I forgot to say a while back that FanAtticus is an underrated customiser imo, didn't you also make a majin vegeta Fan?
@Blood Yeah but you did what I recommend Crisis to do: put it in a stationary cabinet that you can close of. Then cloth is fine. But on an open display, if you pass by it with anything which hooks onto it it's

Okay so Buu era power ranking, my 2 cents:
On the buu strength thing. I think it's nigh impossible to make a fairly objective ranking like with former sagas. I still think Buuhan is the strongest buu form and Vegito the strongest char in the series. But that's not taking behaviour into account. But the most annoying thing is that buu finnishes most people off by magic, not strength. Hell, Dabura might have had the power to destroy fat buu we don't know. That's the nasty thing, Buu's biggest danger isn't his strength, it's his near indestructibility and his absorption tricks, of which he has 2 which become evidently effective icw his 'gum-factor'.
So with that in mind, does it even matter which buu is strongest? Even the weakest buu could possibly manage to trick and eat another (except Vegito, who resists it right?). In fact Super Buu does so when he sneaks up on Gohan.
SO with all of that said, I still think in terms of power Vegito and Buuhan are the strongest pro and antagonist in the series. I think Super Buu is stronger than Kid Buu in all his forms except the grey one. You can say Kid Buu is more dangerous because he's impredictable, yet he's the only buy who didn't manage to trick his final opponents. Kid Buu survives mostly just on his 'gum-factor'.
So having a stab I'd say this (
Popo: "Pecking order *****!"):
Super Vegito > Buuhan > Buutenks > [U Gohan => Kid Buu => SSJ3 Goku]* > [SSJ3 Gotenks <?> super buu]** > Grey Buu => Fat Buu > Vegeta > Oolong
* these three are very difficult because Gohan is speculative, but I think U gohan is stronger than ssj3 goku. The proiblem is Goku is easily the better fighter over gohan, which is why it probably evens out to nearly a match. I think ssj3 gohan vs kid buu is also nearly a tie, but goku had the disadvantage of his form being new and therefore straining. I think U gohan, ssj3 goku and kid buu are purely peak power speaking very close to each other. Vegeta hold off against kid buu because 1) he's mother****ing vegetal and 2) Kid Buu is a childish enemy who as I mentioned doesn';t use many of the aggresive trickiness skills larger Buu uses.
** The question for me is ssj3 vs Super Buu because out of these two I've forgotten the details of their fight to say which is stronger. If one would make the argument Super Buu is more powerful than ssj3 gotenks (which implies there's a considerable gap between ssj3 gotenks and ssj3 goku), my ranking becomes more consistent. Then it would be:
(Super Vegito > Buuhan > Buutenks > [U Gohan => Kid Buu => SSJ3 Goku => Super Buu] > SSJ 3 Gotenks > Grey Buu = Fat Buu > Vegeta)
But, as far as I remember, ssj3 Gotenks outpowered Super Buu, which essentially makes it impossible for me to stack up super buu and kid buu...
But I see absolutely no reason why kid buu is stronger than Buuhan or Buutenks or Vegito. And I personally hazard the guess U Gohan would slightly out power Kid Buu and ssj3 Goku. Although I think BoG ssj3 Goku would **** U Gohan up.
The single biggest weird thing is if Vegeto could come and help Goku as a dead guy? Why not Gohan? I think it's because Toriyama wanted it to be Vegeta and explains it away with gohan standing in line and arriving later at Yema. But one could say it means Vegeta is stroger than U Gohan... Which would be insane. So despite U Gohan basically barely showing off anything, I'd say he's the strongest in DBZ of the non-fusion z fighters. But Goku and Vegeta are the best z fighters.