Sooo i found this on ebay. I'm guessing the new bootleg goku. What you guys think...
That is a bootleg btw, look at the hips, same idiocy as with ssj3 bootleg. This isnt datong, they dont churn out figures this quick.
A lot of people are gonna be unhappy, or they'll be oblivious.
Any idea how much it's going for?
I havent seen him myself yet, but its obviously the same makers as ssj3, so about the same price as him, which is still cheaper than the real one, but not enough to not fool folks. Be wary from now on folks, thats two figures from the same bootleggers made to trick people with identical boxes. At least datong changes the box but these guys dont care. Any and ALL figures from now could be bootlegs, eyes peeled.
Here is the link guys is actually $28 but it really does look bad
Free Shipping Dragonball Z DBZ Tamashii s H Figuarts Sun Goku Action Figure 5" | eBay
Bootleg Regular Goku? This IS becoming a huge problem....
That pic is genius. Is it 'shopped? Tien, Yamcha and the ki blasts look like paper cut-outs to me...
Also, that bootleg Goku looks awful. Definitely the same people that made the ss3 one.
There hadn't been a Datong SSJ Vegeta on eBay in months, and now there's a bunch that have gone up recently. Think a few people are anticipating a Datong rerelease? One sold this morning for $150...