so true.
I do think he should have had something like Cooler's final form, which was great.
Trunks: Frieza!
Narrator: At last, the emperor returns.
Narrator: He has but one goal: revenge against Son Goku.
Frieza: Now, shall we begin?
Frieza: Allow me to show you how further evolved I have become.
Frieza: Now, let us continue with my revenge.
Goku: Frieza!
Frieza: Vegeta, I offer you the highest command in my army.
Narrator: What cruelty lies at the end of this heroic battle?
Beerus: He imitated your naivete. It is the end for you.
Dragon Ball Z: ***katsu no F Film's Trailer Previews Frieza's New Form - News - Anime News Network
Very put off by his gold armor "form" but I'm still pretty intrigued by the movie itself.
Trunks: Frieza!
Narrator: At last, the emperor returns.
Narrator: He has but one goal: revenge against Son Goku.
Frieza: Now, shall we begin?
Frieza: Allow me to show you how further evolved I have become.
Frieza: Now, let us continue with my revenge.
Goku: Frieza!
Frieza: Vegeta, I offer you the highest command in my army.
Narrator: What cruelty lies at the end of this heroic battle?
Beerus: He imitated your naivete. It is the end for you.
Dragon Ball Z: ***katsu no F Film's Trailer Previews Frieza's New Form - News - Anime News Network
Very put off by his gold armor "form" but I'm still pretty intrigued by the movie itself.
He also went ssj again during battle so guess those mystic powers are also lying bleeding in a ditch. Overall like, all of this is so stupid in relation to the buu saga. Everything good about the buu saga is being ignored and/or pushed out. Gohan became a unique full adult fighter, we see nothing of it. Vegeta closed his arc off as a true earthling and ditched the armour, given the finger. ssj3? **** ssj anyway. And now it seems like goten & trunks have been sent to boarding school or something. And Krillin ain't got no hair anymore (ownedcount: +1).Also, wtf happened with Gohan? He was arguably the strongest character in the series (or he was set up to be that way since the beginning), but now he looks like a pushover. Last thing I wanna see is him being knocked unconscious yet again -_-
Damn looks like our golden boy Frieza is getting a pretty bad initial reception. I don't know anyone that thinks it looks good so far. I ask again, why gold?!?!?!