Your grammar is funny. You're not a native English-speaking person, aren't ya?This is the Vegeta Must realese! -.- this is what everyone wnats! this must should it´s necessary to be realese!-.-It is this!
View attachment 184105
Your grammar is funny. You're not a native English-speaking person, aren't ya?This is the Vegeta Must realese! -.- this is what everyone wnats! this must should it´s necessary to be realese!-.-It is this!
View attachment 184105
Random, but one thing I like about this line is that they're at least they're sticking with adult versions of characters atm from dragon ball z on. One thing that really killed my hype for the D-Arts Megaman figures was them building stream with x characters then jumping to megaman 8 for twp characters then jumping to mega man zero. It's been awful and they've pretty much acted like they're allergic to money by not sticking with x and going straight into the mavericks after x and zero... And then ain villain Sigma was released as adamned figuarts Zero.
Considering the Ultimate Armor version has sold poorly, this might be true. It's a shame though on the Megaman lines as a whole, I'd love to see them return to the classic series to give us Protoman, or maybe more from MMX.Still kinda irks me how Tamashii has apparently given up on their MMX line. So many awesome character designs they could've took advantage of. Although I'm afraid had they continued, then we would be getting nothing but X's various armors he had throughout the series, rather than actual Mavericks & side characters :/
No,no nonono NO. Please, no talk of retools for sdcc for the love of God! [emoji38]
Exclusive retools are the whole issue behind MexiGoku! Try not to ask for them you will only give Tamashii ideas. If they release Majin f#@&ing Vegeta as an sdcc im done with this line!
I bought ss3 datong and i tried putting the head on a normal goku but the peg on goku neck is too small to fit on ss3 head without coming off everytime. My question is if anybody owns a ss goku and a datong ss3 are they compatible when putting datong head on ssgoku body, is the peg on ss goku the right size for datong ss3. I dont own a ss goku not yet so idk.
There's no way to predict how the line will go with potential new movies and the upcoming series. For all we know SDCC retools may be the only way to get alternate outfits like Vegeta's Namek armor (does anyone really see them making Namek Vegeta a priority for a normal release at this point?). It's not an ideal situation but I'd say it's better than not getting it at all.
That's weird maybe i was just unlucky with the datong ss3 i got. I cannot move the head to the sides without it falling off. Any ideas on what to put on the hole of the ss3 head to make it hold onto the peg betterIt's a little loose but not too loose that it would pop off without any efforts. Mine fits on Normal Goku just fine as well, not perfect but it holds position
There's no way to predict how the line will go with potential new movies and the upcoming series. For all we know SDCC retools may be the only way to get alternate outfits like Vegeta's Namek armor (does anyone really see them making Namek Vegeta a priority for a normal release at this point?). It's not an ideal situation but I'd say it's better than not getting it at all.
That's weird maybe i was just unlucky with the datong ss3 i got. I cannot move the head to the sides without it falling off. Any ideas on what to put on the hole of the ss3 head to make it hold onto the peg better
There's no way to predict how the line will go with potential new movies and the upcoming series. For all we know SDCC retools may be the only way to get alternate outfits like Vegeta's Namek armor (does anyone really see them making Namek Vegeta a priority for a normal release at this point?). It's not an ideal situation but I'd say it's better than not getting it at all.
Thanks! I will try thatYou can try to put a little polymer clay as a filler in the hole. Polymer clay will not harden, so it's easy to remove once you decide to put the original head back to its body.That's what I put in my Datong Vegeta's head because it's loose. Just a tiny pinch is all you need.
True. With the Mexican Goku/Namek Goku reveal, anything goes. I honestly doubt we're gonna be seeing just simple repaints at this point. I don't think it's gonna be a Vegeta figure since we just got one last year, let alone SSGSS Vegeta, since Japan gets screwed with that.
And Japan didn't get screwed with mexigoku?I agree with Timone that for more off beat choices like a second namek outfit vegeta, imo, an event exclusive is okay. The only reason I'm angry at this mexico choice is because it's a staple outfit that nearly everyone wants across the globe. But a lot of retools don't have that mass appeal. Even entirely new characters don't. Except majin vegeta, like big D said, if that's an event exclusive retool tamashii's insane. But otherwise the whole event exclusive thing for me is solely like, don't do **** that nearly everyone wants and isn't available otherwise. That's just lame from every pov, even from theirs.
But yeah at this point imo nearly anything could happen. To me mexigoku was a choice as much contrary to japan's interest as it was to anyone else so even in that they don't seem consistent anymore to me. I'm sure Tamashii doesn't randomly chuck stuff out but I feel there's factors that go into deciding their releases that we don't know. That we actually can't and probably won't ever know. Otherwise I have no reasonable explanation for their choices in what to release and especially what not to. From the outside in I don't see any consistency anymore.