Yeah. Age of Ultron/Hulkbuster is the hottest thing right now at the movies. (Other than Mad Max: Fury Road but not that many people are seeing it! I want a sequel to that brilliant movie!

...Oh yeah, and ***** Perfect 2.)
Dragon Ball Z is in a resurgence. I honestly can't tell if it's going to die down, if it plateaued, or it will somehow become more popular. The Marvel license seems to be pricey but I can't imagine Shenron costing anywhere close to Hulkbuster price though.
How the hell would Tamashii even package Shenron? Wouldn't it be cool if it came in like a long box flower packaging?
(Speaking of SDCC, I feel 2 things are going to steal the show for me...Tamashii Nations and the DC Cinematic Universe panel.)
Awesome! What will you be setting up? Are you working with NECA?