I would rather we just have ssj head so we get as many faces as possible. Majin Vegeta faces and normal ssj faces. Majin Vegeta has so many good expressions in the show, we need as many as possible. For normal ssj faces we could do with a front facing yell and smirk. Oh and a couple with a potara on, so many options!
I would rather Majin Vegeta and Buu Saga Vegeta be separate releases. There's no rush on getting both of them. Let Tamashii draw them out a bit and focus on them individually so we can have more Vegeta releases.
I'm not sure what they would name Buu Saga Vegeta though. Maybe Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta?
I would rather Majin Vegeta and Buu Saga Vegeta be separate releases. There's no rush on getting both of them. Let Tamashii draw them out a bit and focus on them individually so we can have more Vegeta releases.
I'm not sure what they would name Buu Saga Vegeta though. Maybe Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta?
They will prob package them both togther that way people would buy muliples... I mean it's not like they will give us some roided up arms they will prob just use vegitos arms, normal vegeta's legs,vegitos boots.. so the only retooling will be the chest and head/face
i think would be better if they realease Ssj2 Vegeta with 2 heads (Normal and Ssj) and almost 6 or 8 faces 4 (2 normal and 2 "M") with normal face and 4 (2 normal and 2 "M") with Ssj face..... that´s the best for business
Vegito's arms are too big for Vegeta. It's going to sell whether they do one release or two. If they do one release, they're limiting themselves releases of the 2nd most popular character of the series.
I doubt Tamashii is going to release the "ultimate" Majin/Buu Vegeta. I would rather have two separate releases so Tamashii could take their time with the figures. They get two releases, high quality, and happy collectors. That's more than likely what's best for business.
Well I atleast hope we see some form of Vegeta at SDCC this year weather it be Revival of F,Buu Saga, or Majin.... They could also include an halo for normal buu saga Vegeta since they included one with SSJ Goku.
Majin vegeta needs to come with both regular hair and ssj hair heads . and MUST have this face!![]()
I'm very pleased to read that, I'm a fan of your work
Havok: thanks for the opinion pal.
Here is another image with the SS3:
Heads up to you guys. DO NOT bid on or buy this item:
S H Figuarts Dragon Ball Trunks PVC Figure Bandai | eBay
This is the same seller I tried to buy the same item from a few weeks ago but they never sent me the item. I highly doubt they even have it. I opened a case with eBay and requested the item. I was refunded instead.