Super Freak
No Owen, no inventes. Si hacen a tehnshinhan Yamcha que sean de la saga de cell o Buu, de la linea dragon ball no!-.-
Basically, Kenshin is saying that if they make Tien and Yamcha, it should be from the Cell or Buu Saga, not from Dragon Ball. I'd actually agree on this one. I prefer DBZ releases over any other, although it would be cool (and smart) of them to simply make separate lines for DB, DBZ, DBGT, and DBS.
I know and I'm a man of my word but I feel it's a pretty safe bet, so Trunks will remain mine

....I hope

He didn't ask a question. He said that he at least hopes one of those characters will show up tomorrow at sdcc. And if what prodigy predicted is true about GT line we may see the omega Shenron.
Unlock your inner Z fighter
I would die if they made Omega.
So god damn ****ing stoked for that AnG!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Added it Orbital
SDCC Q&A list:
General line questions:
More PC rereleases?
More BD releases?
More from the Buu era?
Seperate DB line?
Non-combative figures?
DBS figures? If so, how are they balancing it out with dbz (etc) releases?
Focus on side or main characters going forward?
Event exclusives: not just repaints but retools from now on?
Specific figure questions:
ssgss vegeta hair resculpt? (Metallic or not maybe also?)
Majin Vegeta with thousand faces plz
Tien, kid buu, Nappa and G&T are highly requested. Also some might wanna know what the deal is with ssj4 goku proto?
Nappa as usual.
Trying to keep this as summarised as possible.
To add to the questions:
Will they ever make vehicles and accessories other than effects parts for the line?
Dioramas/special stages (like the Saint Seiya pillar stage)?
Adding more details to the figures
More character specific effect parts (Special Beam Cannon, Galick Gun, Spirit Bomb, etc.)
Being more consistent with coloring and shading