WOW what happened here? Okay an attempt to see all sides here from me:
I think we need some understanding for both sides here.
First off, I think we owe Hydeous some slack in the fact that he (she?) does not apply many forum rules at all on this thread out of leniency toward us as long as (apparently) there's no significant amount of people complaining about it or it crosses a too important line. I understand consistency is principally innate to fairness, but there's also such a thing as practical circumstances that might not allow that. It's clear to me Hydeous isn't personally attacking Frankie and he enforces the rules already a lot less than he could and ruleswise even should, which many of us enjoy – the price for rules not enforced black and white is some measure of practical inconcistency, because it means Hydeous has to make some practical calls and we should have some respect for the fact that he puts himself out there and tries to meet us as much as he can, with the goal to let the thread remain what it is.
However, respectfully, I think you (Hydeous) made a mistake in dealing with the situation. You saw something that, as you consistently give us slack and more freedom than rules expressly allow, which we should appreciate, went potentially too far. That is not unreasonable per se, but I think you gotta admit though that this was a little overboard, because from frankie's pov what he said wasn't anything actually threatening or disrespectful to the board in this instance and he has been reprimanded (apparently justly see) before already. So being a bit shocked by it seems equally reasonable from his POV. From what I saw in this practical instance, the nuance was that Frankie simply supplied information on his past experiences as a seller for products he expressly doesn't make anymore. Including his past prices was logical and the board has thus far not been moderated (to my knowledge) that supplying NONACTIVE price points for items NOT MADE ANYMORE would still cross the line too far. If that is the case so bet it. Whether that is doable or not is a different discussion, but I think simply deleting his post wasn't the smoothest way to go about this.
Also to ask us to point out who else it was that was coming here to gather info with the goal possibly to become a seller isn't well thought out, because I know who that is, and I don't think anyone here is going to 'rat him/her out', including me... That's not how it works. In terms of practicality you can't let us (for lack of a better term) 'bond' beyond forum rules, be casual and lenient in their application, yet then ask us to suddenly enforce them on a fellow poster... That is a measure of wanting to have your cake and eating it to... And I like you Hydeous, I think it's actually good you're being just a tad bit more active as a mod (it feels to me). Some inconsistency in upholding forum rules should be accepted by us because the reward is that usually we all get to very leniently go about in this thread, and as I said we kinda owe that to Hydeous understanding the nature of what this thread's become, despite the overhead forum rules. Sometimes Hydeous just has to step in when a situation seemingly is getting or might have the potential to get out of hand. I think you're taking that too defensively Frankie, both you, me, Hydeous and everyone else knows where to find you and your products and Hydeous isn't trying to censor you at large or what you do. But he has to maintain some line on here regarding the most important rules, and if he does that treading outside the strict rules, some practical inconsistency is bound to happen. [/B]
I think we should show more understanding for Hydeous because I feel he's made a good case for his general situation as a mod, However, asking us to provide someone else to do the same thing for isn't how this will work, that won't get any respect, because most of us care more about each other as posters than forum rules. And honestly, snitching is also just something looked down upon by most. That's just the reality of it. I think no one should complain if you yourself go back through the threads and delete that person's comments. But asking us to deliver that person is going a bit too far imo. You can only get away with that if rules are enforced very clearly and strictly, and that is not the case. Something more people here should give you (Hydeous) slack for, because it is meant well, but the other side of it is that you can't expect us to suddenly turn on each other whenever you do decide to take action.
I think Hydeous had to make a grey area call and went about it a bit bluntly, which fell the wrong way and was taken a bit too defensively. We're all human (right...?), and I think both parties meant no unfair harm. I think on both sides we need to be a bit more forgiving to each other here and see each sides perspective and motivation here. I don't see that much of an actual problem once we do that.