S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Closest Kmart to me is 45 minutes away, haven't tried it. I did call Kmart and they got rid of their video games a few months ago. Most Kmarts don't sell video games anymore. TRU, Target, and Wal-Mart are the only confirmed ones to have price matched

Darn, looks like all the trustworthy user raised their prices. Not sure if I want to fork over 40 for a Datong. Anyone know if the user "hubreys store" is good on aliexpress?
Darn, looks like all the trustworthy user raised their prices. Not sure if I want to fork over 40 for a Datong. Anyone know if the user "hubreys store" is good on aliexpress?

I've bought from hubrey's store before and I know others have as well. He's a good seller.
Can't u price match at best buy? Best buy in Toronto does pricematching as long as the competitor store has that item in stock. They'll always call to make sure.

The Best Buy's in my area are all aware of the ad and won't honor it. I'm hitting up some TRU's and more Wal-Marts tomorrow though. Now it's more of a thrill trying to get them to match it than anything else. Living life on the wild side [emoji41]

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alright thanks for the feedback guys. I think I am gonna wait till the end of the week or middle of next week, if still nothing Im gonna cancel the order and maybe go with the other more trustworthy sellers or aliexpress. I might consider waiting till september 14th since I am not in a big rush but we'll see haha.
I bought from hubrey's store on AliExpress. Shipping took a while but item arrived in good condition.
It should've been up already. It's been a month since SDCC ended. Maybe end of this week hopefully or next week? If not then I'd say they're skipping out this year. What a year to not post it up...
The later, the better. Cash is tight this month.
The later, the better. Cash is tight this month.

That's what 0% interest credit cards are for :lecture

I feel you though, I've been looking for a steady job recently and luckily just got offered a full time position last week. Gonna be starting next week, so I plan on splurging a little and getting some awesome figures soon.
That's what 0% interest credit cards are for :lecture

I feel you though, I've been looking for a steady job recently and luckily just got offered a full time position last week. Gonna be starting next week, so I plan on splurging a little and getting some awesome figures soon.
Well i had a couple of 12 hr shifts last weekend and my first official shift don't start till this friday. I get paid for my training shifts but no idea how much they are paying me for next payday.

And i just got a call from fedex regarding customs charges for my hot toys ironman mk43 figure. I'm 3 bucks short. Ugh...
That's what 0% interest credit cards are for :lecture

I feel you though, I've been looking for a steady job recently and luckily just got offered a full time position last week. Gonna be starting next week, so I plan on splurging a little and getting some awesome figures soon.
They have those. :monkey4
After five years collecting these, I'm finally displaying them properly. Tears of joy.





PS: The glass is not bent, it is just some kind of zoom :)
Pure awesomesauce Havok! I plan on getting that same Great Ape statue as well. I have a question: if Tamashii personally contacted you and offered to sell you their prototype Shenron and said make us an offer, what's the top price you'd be willing to pay for it?
Pure awesomesauce Havok! I plan on getting that same Great Ape statue as well. I have a question: if Tamashii personally contacted you and offered to sell you their prototype Shenron and said make us an offer, what's the top price you'd be willing to pay for it?

Not much, really. I'd love to replace my Shenron for that new one, but I try to avoid paying crazy prices for these figures. And that's the reason I passed SDCC Goku. It is just not worth it. I'd pay a fair price for that Shenron, and if they try to charge more than usual, I'll let it go. Overpriced figures is the main reason I almost stopped collecting these.
I really like that Saiyan Pod. Who makes those if you dont mind me asking?

Btw i would pay 2000$ for the prototype Shenron. Hehe

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