There's also more Marvel stuff, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Tony Stark and the Armors Mark I-VII
I like that they gave it a new sculpt, but honestly I would of preferred them use the old SS hair of Goku and just painted it blue. This one looks too much like Pineapple leaves.
Cool Orbi!wave
Off topic but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, this was also shown, and I think I'm gonna pick this one up.
This **** looks so good with all those effects.
The super smash display collectors can tick one off again.
trunks.As long as you still have that sig Blood, I'm not convinced you're over Nappa.[emoji38]
What do you plan on buying out of these, ftm assuming they're all gonna be released?
How would all of this even fit in the release schedule!?[emoji38]
A bottle of ketchup is a must as an assecoireCool Orbi!wave
Off topic but I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, this was also shown, and I think I'm gonna pick this one up.
This **** looks so good with all those effects.
The super smash display collectors can tick one off again.
Actually took longer than usual. Usually takes 2 to 3 business days. And they coulda shipped the stuff last Friday and deliver by the following Tuesday. But nope, they shipped it on Monday instead. And I'd go with amiami for Beerus if I were you. 4000 yen vs 5200 yen/52 usd is the better option in this case.Yup, time for me to apologize Tin, ssgss Goku came in 5 days and customs didnt touch him [emoji14]
Looks like I can count on Nippon at least in the future, will still be using Anime Island if they end up cheaper though for any one figure.
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I am a tad bit jelly you & Tin got your Goku before me![]()
Expect a review on him tomorrow along with Gohan, if anyone cares that is, we are all drooling so much over the reveals tbh, I mean I will find it really hard to review Gohan now, he is so dull compared to them [emoji38]
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Looking forward to your reviews/videos. Will you be doing one on the Star Wars reveals, as well? They have quite a lot of reveals but there's not enough quality pictures!![]()
I had someone ship something to me from the UK this week. It arrived, and they were surprised I didn't have customs charging me tax. In the US customs is a joke. If you're not bringing in drugs or money, you're good, basically.
Plus, there's no duty on items valued at less than $200 anyway.