Super Freak
I wonder what's the next figure they'll announce next? I would guess it'd be Whis or SSG but mostly Whis since Beerus is slated soon
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You could get a pseudo one for around that price. Get an Ultimate Gohan, decapitate him and plop the Awakening Goku head on. If it looks good enough I may just do away with mine
Ok, I'll bite...
View attachment 226799 can't be helpedI could do that.. but a part of me will always be jonesin' for the authentic version ._.
Whenever I look for them on eBay they are waaaaay overpriced. Maybe I'm just not finding the deals.
I like toyzinthebox the best now, thei shipping is effin' fast. I've had enough of anime-island. Which is sad because I bought soo much from them and have only started having issues with them this year, since June. I still have a bunch of stuff on pre-order with them so I hope they can redeem themselves for me.
Whenever I look for them on eBay they are waaaaay overpriced. Maybe I'm just not finding the deals.
I have the Japanese release of ssgss Goku and golden freeza. Saw the american release of those figures and they are pretty much the same aside from the logo switch. But yeah, mine had shipper boxes.Anyone notice that Tamashii has been changing the boxes for the U.S./Western releases? Instead of the typical Bluefin "sticker" on the bottom, it's actually printed text. There also appears to be more English on the back. I suppose this partially contributes why we're not seeing the brown shippers as well since now the Western releases are getting "their own" packaging.
I don't have the Japanese release for Ultimate Gohan so maybe someone else can point out the differences better than I can. I suppose they did the same with the SSGSS Goku and Golden Frieza releases.
Instagram doesn't cover you if the seller turns out to be a scumbag tho
i just say ebay cuz a lot from what i read from people that order from major sites like bigbad & toyz, there orders end up either being cancelled, pushed back or whatever, however at the same time they say they don't trust ebay cuz of shady sellers. meanwhile the legit sites apparently be giving their buyers the runaround & "sorry your order has been delayed" emails months after everyone else has received theres
It's not out yet, *******.
Anyone notice that Tamashii has been changing the boxes for the U.S./Western releases? Instead of the typical Bluefin "sticker" on the bottom, it's actually printed text. There also appears to be more English on the back. I suppose this partially contributes why we're not seeing the brown shippers as well since now the Western releases are getting "their own" packaging.
I don't have the Japanese release for Ultimate Gohan so maybe someone else can point out the differences better than I can. I suppose they did the same with the SSGSS Goku and Golden Frieza releases.
...Seriously? That last word was completely unnecessary