Yeah same here. Regardless of how anyone feels about GT, the designs in it for characters were ****ing great... but not mustache Vegeta... just no.
I'd like a Super 17 if I had to choose.
Goku became more intimidating in that form, but he was always pretty serious at that point due to the intensity of what was at stake. The exception was the first time against Fat Buu but that was due to Fat Buu's nature, where he was just confident and having a decent time, while trying to only stall.I really like the SSJ3 transformation for the hair and the deep voice. The no eyebrows thing was always a big wtf. If kind hearted, innocent faced Goku looks creepy you best believe Vegeta will even more
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GT sucks so idc**** it, lets get the entire GT cast. General Rildo, the Shenrons, Baby Vegeta, Pan, everyone. Why not? Why do people want LESS options for things? That's like me offering you some pizza
"Hey want some pizza?"
"Sure just cheese & pepperoni"
"Ok cool, but if you want you can also add sausage, EXTRA cheese, ham, even bacon! Also a soda if you're thirsty"
"No I just want pepperoni"
"Okay, but the other stuff is available too if you just wanna try it anyway"
"i said NO"
I don't get why Vegetto did not sell well, I can understand Ultimate Gohan because having him in hand, he's all right but nothing spectacular. Vegetto's all right, with the extra head, effects and crossed arms.I really doubt whether we'll see buutenks and buuhan, vegito and gohan don't seem to sell well. Especially Vegito. They can skip 'm imo, just release ssj3 vegeta or majin vegeta or that body anyway, the PCE Goku, and kid buu.
I loved Vegeta with his mustache in gt. Its like the badman version of gt lol
I loved Vegeta with his mustache in gt. Its like the badman version of gt lol
**** it, lets get the entire GT cast. General Rildo, the Shenrons, Baby Vegeta, Pan, everyone. Why not? Why do people want LESS options for things? That's like me offering you some pizza
"Hey want some pizza?"
"Sure just cheese & pepperoni"
"Ok cool, but if you want you can also add sausage, EXTRA cheese, ham, even bacon! Also a soda if you're thirsty"
"No I just want pepperoni"
"Okay, but the other stuff is available too if you just wanna try it anyway"
"i said NO"
It was hilariously bad and that's what made it awesome. When he shaved it off and confronted Chi Chi it was freaking hilarious. I loved those moments in GT where it was just everyone acting human. Especially Vegeta in showing how he settled down and is now overprotective of his daughter. People can mock GT all they want but they gotta give credit where it's due.
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if they ever make a GT vegeta, having the mustache look as an alternate face would be hillarious! i would love that! I think if they made a badman shirt vegeta i would get it too, it's too funny!
I don't like that either, not sure why it's there.Thanks for the vid Cooler!
PC Vegeta came out decent, only thing bugging me is the lines under his eyes, hated that on the original ssj Goku and Gohan and it looks just as bad on him, why do it? Theres no need.
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