That new face is great to see though, all things considered
So everyone is sporting the new hip design

That new face is great to see though, all things considered
That new face is great to see though, all things considered
Just got an tracking update..Definitely tomorrow The Awakening of Goku arrives!
Charging my camera
Hope it measures up to the hype
Official Saiyan Armor Trunks pics are up, and they're looking good. though I wonder why there is a lack of orange tint on his SSJ hair...it seems like this release is geared more toward the SSJ head.
Also, it is odd that they aren't using a gloss finish on the hair unlike the PC ones...
But ssb vegeta seems to have gloss...(?)
I would say end of the month beginning of Jan to be past Christmas.Any info on that armored trunks pre-order date?
But ssb vegeta seems to have gloss...(?)
He's the strange exception and I would say it's more metallic than glossy. Everything about the decisions they made for Vegeta is confounding to say the least.
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I think it is.Man that looks awesome, I hope it's the same blue color like the pce vegeta
yeah he does. It is strange that SSB Goku lacks it. Tamashii is odd with their finishes...And it looks nice, and SSB Goku would look so much better if it got the same treatment... I think it looks extraordinarily dull without it.
Would a hair dryer trick work to loosen up the peg? Try that before superglue.
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If they don't swap it out for you, super glue it back on. If it sets in strong, I'm thinking you should still be able to move the tail.
Ah. I see, thanks Deano.
I think the majority of us will want to get 2 armoured trunks so we could have a hyperbolic chamber training goku. Though I wonder if the neck will be like awakening gokus, since putting the ssj awakening goku head on a normal ssj goku body seems a bit off.