I figured it all out guys. If someone asks you about any plothole from Dragon Ball, the answer is always "Blux Waves from the moon"
por ejemplo:
"how did vegeta skip SS3 to become SS4?"
-Blux Waves from the moon
"how did Vegeta become a SSG without doing the ritual, etc?"
-Blux Waves from the moon
"When Cell blew himself & Goku up on Kai's planet, he said he was able to regenerate because of a single cell that survived only from his head. However earlier when Goku threw a kamehameha directly at his head disintegrating it & his torso, he still regenerated from his legs. How??"
-Blux Waves from the moon
"How can Goku breathe in space when fighting Beerus?"
-Blux Waves from the moon
"How does Jon Snow come back?"
-Blux Waves from the moon
"How did Frieza get so strong in only 4 months, enough to compete with SSGSS Goku?"
-Blux Waves from the moon
"How can you say that when Piccolo blew up the moon when training Gohan?"
-Blux Waves from another moon
it literally answers everything
Better than Nanomachines and Parasites.