I'm digging Goku's new outfit. Black is really making an impact. There's not doubt that a S.H. Figuarts prototype will be revealed at Tamashii Nations in October and I'm actually really looking forward to it. The past couple of Dragon Ball Super episodes have been really good.
Edited: Except Trunks' hair. I just don't get why they're purposely doing a different color of hair when Kid Trunks is right there.
Im hoping for a Black figuarts as well, and also DBS future Trunks! If they make trunks i hope he will be the proper height as well! I feel like they should wait a bit for black to see if he has transformations (they likely wont wait though lol). Also, i feel like the moment when trunks attacked goku would have been better if goku was still wearing his RoF outfit, since that is the outfit that looks way more similar to Black, also both goku's and vegeta's RoF outfits were alot better than their classic ones imo.
I prefer the classics but I think they should've stuck with the new RoF costumes for DBS. Just update the characters a little and give some visual difference as well...much like there were changes in GT. And why is Vegeta back in armor when he dropped it during the Buu saga?
I think they returned them to the classic outfits for merchandising purposes.
Im hoping for a Black figuarts as well, and also DBS future Trunks! If they make trunks i hope he will be the proper height as well! I feel like they should wait a bit for black to see if he has transformations (they likely wont wait though lol). Also, i feel like the moment when trunks attacked goku would have been better if goku was still wearing his RoF outfit, since that is the outfit that looks way more similar to Black, also both goku's and vegeta's RoF outfits were alot better than their classic ones imo.
I think they returned them to the classic outfits for merchandising purposes.
yeah the differentiation between series with new outfits is good too. Also, i think originally he didnt wear armor in the buu saga was because the world tournament rules said they could not wear any armor, this was the reason gohan didnt wear his orange saiyaman helmet either. Despite the fact that the armor is largely useless at this point in the series i think vegeta wears it as more of a show of saiyan heritage. Although i have heard the argument about how it reverses his character development since him wearing more and more earth clothes shows him accepting earth as his home more, so not sure on that either but yeah originally he didnt wear mainly due to the tourney haha
To cover his face from sand in the desertVegeta been wearing armor since he was a little boy. He's just used to it, old habits die hard i guess
Trunks scarf, on the other hand, looks ridiculous. Tacky as hell, dunno why that is considered a fashion accessory to begin with (it looked dumb on 17, and anyone else that wears one)
Vegeta been wearing armor since he was a little boy. He's just used to it, old habits die hard i guess
Trunks scarf, on the other hand, looks ridiculous. Tacky as hell, dunno why that is considered a fashion accessory to begin with (it looked dumb on 17, and anyone else that wears one)
Wasnt the armor originally a tuffle design that the Saiyans stole along with the space pods? I cant remember where I read that info but as far as I was aware, the saiyans sold the tech to Frieza who then mass produced them for the saiyans when they allied with him.
Scarfs still look tacky in general. Don't care who's wearing it, or for what purpose. It's like trying to justify a man wearing a man-purse AKA "satchel" in 2016, it's a tacky article of clothing
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Scarfs still look tacky in general. Don't care who's wearing it, or for what purpose. It's like trying to justify a man wearing a man-purse AKA "satchel" in 2016, it's a tacky article of clothing
Moving on...
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View attachment 271782
Umm... neither scarfs nor satchels are tacky in 2016. I believe you must not have any fashion sense at all, or just completely oblivious to contemporary fashion trends. There are a whole lot of guys out there who would happily agree with me on this. It also goes to show how ignorant of fashion you are by referring to a neckerchief as a scarf. Perhaps you should stick with shopping at abercrombie and the gap and leave stylish schwag to the grown ups bro. I bet you prolly still wear oakley sunglasses Crisis!