A few years ago I was dead set against small characters getting figure slots, but now that we have alot more releases I dont feel as against the idea. Just as long as we dont get stupid releases like bandit Yamcha or farmer Goku.
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Great shots misterW! So new normal face fits without any kind of modification in the old mold? I wanna do this with my PC Trunks.
The Figure-rise Standard Super Saiyan Goku is using/adding some nice touches that I think Tamashii Nations should be comfortable with if they plan on releasing a 2.0 Super Saiyan Goku in the future...
- Newer art style Super Saiyan head mold. Could be an easy repaint of Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku's head mold. Super Warrior Awakening Goku has the older arty style done perfectly but it's time for a newer art style mold.
- The mid-torso articulation. It worked for Krillin and it looks like it will work for Goku too.
- The blue undershirt sculpted on the shoulder that's separated from the orange gi. It has a better overall appearance and adds depth. Super Saiyan God Goku had it on his prototype.
- The shoulder transition. (The shoulder muscle should be uncovered more though when transitioned into the rest of the arm.) Much needed for future releases. Super Saiyan 3 Goku's arms had a great transition.
- The knees are sculpted with the gi folds. (Not shown in the picture.) They are very similar to Broly's knees. While Super Saiyan 4 Goku's knees are a huge improvement over the old mold, I think the transition would be incredibly smooth if they included the gi folds into them.
Hey there, I recently got my Trunks figure from Bandai Online and he’s got this darkish discolouration around on the centre crotch piece and the inside of he’s left thigh, has anybody seen something similar on theirs? This is the best picture I could get, the flash is making it a bit hard to see. Is this the kind of thing you can get an exchange on, or am I overthinking it? View attachment 277093
Hey there, I recently got my Trunks figure from Bandai Online and he’s got this darkish discolouration around on the centre crotch piece and the inside of he’s left thigh, has anybody seen something similar on theirs? This is the best picture I could get, the flash is making it a bit hard to see. Is this the kind of thing you can get an exchange on, or am I overthinking it? View attachment 277093
Dumb question but does anyone know if Super Saiyan Son Goku (manga) will have a re-release? Or is $50 USD the lowest it has ever been, I thought I had seen it going for $30+ back then