S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Imo 2.0s weren't needed. We still have a ton of characters we don't have. It's a waste of time and money. Also originals have better painting and shading and I'm not a fan of the new knees they gave ssj 3 goku or the crotch articulation on the trunks and vegeta.
Sorry Reaper, have to majorly disagree there. If I hadnt seen the new articulation then maybe I would have agreed, but the new stuff is too much of a jump for them not to use. The old articulation is very dated now and no longer even unique to figuarts (which was one of the original selling points, look on the back of the older boxes).

If what Ang said I while ago is true (which it looks more likely now than ever) then from the moment awakening Goku was released Toei would not allow anymore figures with the old style to be approved, hence the dramatic shift. Tamashii doesnt seem to have choice now, its something we all have to deal with.

You say the originals have better shading, this is true, HOWEVER, the new ones are actually more accurate to the show and manga, especially in the faces. The line is moving on, its far too late to start saying you dont like it now.
Of course the 2.0 figures would seem like a waste to some who have the first versions. Just sounds like the same ole' "I have the first, why are they making a second instead of making a new character I want" butt-hurt just like with Hot Toys collectors. That's par for the course on this entire forum...

For those of us who don't have the first versions, your opinions about the new ones are a waste because there's no way I'm spending that much money on a figure smaller than 1/6th scale. I honestly can't believe how much some of the DBZ SHF figures are going for, but I'd rather go without than spend that much.
I wont be getting any version 2 figures as I have the originals and am happy with them. However it's good to keep the line accessible for newcomers so I'm glad we have the updates. Like reaper I miss the level of shading on older figures, despite the fact it isn't show accurate it looks superior to my eyes and more like a collectible.
Imo 2.0s weren't needed. We still have a ton of characters we don't have. It's a waste of time and money. Also originals have better painting and shading and I'm not a fan of the new knees they gave ssj 3 goku or the crotch articulation on the trunks and vegeta.

Agreed. Seeing so many new 2.0 prototypes kinda breaks my heart. It makes me not want to continue on with the lineup anymore and sell away all my collections or I could be growing up :(
Also originals have better painting and shading.
no no they don't, they make have more cartoonish paint application but they also have orange blobs of paint on their arm and face and hair, just look at that 1.0 vegeta if that's their idea of glowing orange aura that's bs.. vegeta looks like he's trying to pull off a Donald trump tan
Really? If you like the old ones just keep them, no one is saying you have to buy the updates. I have all but a couple of the figures up until now, and im totally happy with them doing 2.0s. Many of the figures, especially the Goku mold ones, are outdated at this point, simple as, and the chance to get much improved versions is a great thing; it keeps the line going with actual sell-able figures while at the same time allowing new folks to come in and buy said character.

There werent that many characters left for them to be able to do, most were villains or secondary characters, which, lets be honest, wouldnt make them any money.
I think the 2.0s are fine, but i agree they should've at least added some shading on them to make some of the details pop more like on the saiyan armor. I just hope they make new characters or even characters we already have but in different outfits like they did with goku, trunks, and even gohan, instead of remakes of the same figure like they're doing with Vegeta. I would've rather gotten a buu saga vegeta over the new "super" vegeta they made. Though I would've been very happy to get him if they had at least done him right, like a freakin mini broly. I really hope they dont release that 2.0 scouter vegeta so soon unless they decide to change it to any of the 2 namek outfits, or they make a lot of new parts for him to make him look thinner and even shorter how he should look for that saga, which i kinda doubt. Im worried that pretty soon theyre gonna start getting lazy again and make an armored goku using Trunks' exact body.

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no no they don't, they make have more cartoonish paint application but they also have orange blobs of paint on their arm and face and hair, just look at that 1.0 vegeta if that's their idea of glowing orange aura that's bs.. vegeta looks like he's trying to pull off a Donald trump tan

That Vegeta face does look awful, neither of my versions look like that though. I will concede that SS3 Goku looks like he's been dipped in Wotsits and has weird patches all over, he will always be at the back of my display!

Really? If you like the old ones just keep them, no one is saying you have to buy the updates. I have all but a couple of the figures up until now, and im totally happy with them doing 2.0s. Many of the figures, especially the Goku mold ones, are outdated at this point, simple as, and the chance to get much improved versions is a great thing; it keeps the line going with actual sell-able figures while at the same time allowing new folks to come in and buy said character.

There werent that many characters left for them to be able to do, most were villains or secondary characters, which, lets be honest, wouldnt make them any money.

Now that they've shown us the final two Z fighters I'm more or less happy with my display. Would love to get Roshi, Bulma, etc, but that was always very unlikely. Also my collecting budget is taking a big hit soon and these revamps will spread out the releases I'm interested in, so it's quite good for me!
i mentioned it once before and i think big deano did too. They need change his shoulders to the smaller shoulders instead of using the awakening goku/ 2.0 ssj vegeta shoulders. Also, i think he needs a different hair sculpt, although i have my doubts on whether or not theyll change that haha

On the topic of piccolo, i think piccolo is a fine figure, he's def aged better than the manga ssj goku imo. The SDCC one looks great too, but i would welcome a 2.0 clean or battle damaged. Although there didnt seem to be a clamor for a 2.0 scouter vegeta i think it's a way to pair it with nappa and also for new collectors to get him because the OG has climbed up in price so much, and maybe also to knock out datong (they seem particularly quiet lately lol). Also feel like 2.0 ssj3 goku would look better if the diaphram cut was lower like krillins. The only way i see a some sort of 2.0 krillin release is his saiyan saga/beginning namek saga outfit or it's DB Krillin to coincide with DB goku.

Also side note, i reallly liked the newest ep of DBS Trunks' moment was awesome but too bad things turned out the way they did haha

Yeah, I think using the Super Saiyan Trunks shoulders would make it perfect. Compared to the original, 2.0 Scouter Vegeta is "all new" from the head to the toes. The (repainted) head, the arms, the hips, and legs (minus the tips of the feet) are all from Super (Saiyan) Vegeta and the armor is a new sculpt. I would hope Tamashii Nations realizes they can't use the shoulders if it lifts the shoulder pads off. I'm okay with the hair at the moment. It's fuller but the face sculpt is just so well done I like the look of it on the newer Scouter Vegeta body.

All of the older releases are still great products. There's honestly not one past release where I would consider it as a bad product. I have nitpicked on a few of the past releases, such as Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegeta, but they've all been well worth the money. Tamashii Nations just happens to be making better products and that's a win for all collectors.

Trunks' moment with Future Zamasu was the stand out moment of that episode.
Piccolo's "How-To" Video had me cracking up a lot though. That was gold.

Ordered Xenoverse figures from amiami.

I did, as well! I've been debating whether or not I can wait for the stateside release dates of these two but I'm really excited for them and decided to go with AmiAmi. If I do order from Japan, I normally order and ship SAL but Super (Saiyan) Vegeta has really ignited my excitement for this line where I simply have no patience. :lol
I went with hobbylink japan. I'm sick and tired of amiami's service attitude. Hobbylink is more flexible. I'm surprised preorders for Trunks and Time Patroller are still up.

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I order quite a lot through HobbyLink Japan but that's mostly because I have the option of canceling the orders if I ever change my mind on purchasing them. I only order items through AmiAmi when I know that I'm going to go through with them because they frown upon cancellations.
Yeah...I've made cancellations on most of the mafex batman v superman figures over at amiami. A couple of them unwillingly because they spontaneously decided to seperate a few combined shipments due to delay on one of those figures.

After the preorders i have left with amiami, I don't think I'll shop with amiami again

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Just preordered Xeno Trunks from HLJ as well... Very nice price. This will be the first time I preordered an SHF figure from somewhere besides BBTS.
Just preordered Xeno Trunks from HLJ as well... Very nice price. This will be the first time I preordered an SHF figure from somewhere besides BBTS.

I'll be interested to see how it works out for you. Once you pre-order from HLJ, you'll never go back to BBTS. :lol (Well, unless it's for a Web Exclusive.)
I have ordered from HLJ before, but it was something that was discontinued before it was even produced so it never happened. They don't tell you how much shipping is ahead of time, but for that price I'm sure it will still be under whatever bbts will have it for.

Also, semi related... I noticed on tamashii.jp that the Whis figure has been discontinued... Guess I better grab that before I can't find it for at least close to retail.
All Web Exclusives become discontinued once they're released. Whis is going to be around for awhile so I don't think you'll have to rush purchasing him immediately. Toyz in the Box had him for discount the other day and Amazon has dropped their price.
I honestly don't know which are standard releases or web exclusives... I just kinda got which ones I wanted on ebay for the cheapest I could.

Until I happened to come across this thread around SDCC this year, I knew very little about these figures. I would have started collecting them when they first hit stores in the states, but the first ones I ever found were piccolo and broly at barns and noble and I wasn't happy with either of them... Piccolo because I don't like the manga coloring, and broly because he didn't have greenish hair... So Until SS Blue Goku and Vegeta came around I didn't really care about them besides the Arlia Vegeta I picked up during sdcc couple years ago.
Regular Releases
Manga Piccolo
Manga Super Saiyan Goku
Manga Super Saiyan (2) Gohan
Super Warrior Awakening Super Saiyan Goku
Super Saiyan Trunks
Super (Saiyan) Vegeta
Xenoverse Trunks
Xenoverse Time Patroller