Probably not for a while. I see different iterations of Gohan higher on their list.
why not SSjTrunks from Broly´s Movie? View attachment 311596
This is very easy for Tamashii Nations to release if they want to sell another Future Trunks figure. (Other than Dragon Ball Super.)I've always really liked the sleeveless-jacket look
it´s only my eyes or the left leg from Super Vegeta is a little curved?
View attachment 311601
Do you deserve anything? You should ask yourself this! Look deep inside your inner crisis...B4 yous guys start requesting characters, ask yourselves.. do yous guys DESERVE said character?
I've been saying this all along but yeah, this is very possible now. I'd love to see it, maybe if Tamashii is generous we can get the long hair looks he sported in the Broly movie.I'd like to see a new Future Trunks Capsule Outfit 2.0 first!
Between the Future Warrior and Xeno-Trunks...the parts are there.
Same on mine, I feel that the left and right calf are flipped (e.g. left calf looks more like a righ calf and vice versa)...
Nah you deserve the slap