those obitsu blasts that arent out yet look like theyll be pretty spot on, and the tp blast and gohan blast i feel look good for simple ki blasts. The figurerise ones that are out right now look pretty bad though imo especially the charging one. I think maybe the ss4 vegeta effects are okay though. The new ones coming with normal goku and krillin though look alot better despite not being accurate. But yeah those obitsu ones look great to me but also like the can of beams one too despite it not being accurate, he has been working on newer ones that look more simple and closer to the artwork though but yeah. I agree we dont have many choices with beam effects lol
edit: actually theyre called obitsu effect #10 dogyaan (blue, pink, yellow), theyre up on HLJ and releasing this month apparently :O no sure if they come with a stand or anything though, obitsu effects are also sold at amiami theyre a little more expensive their than hlj though.