Anyone here orders from anime-island that have or had problems with them? Are they always late in shipping items?
They're a smaller shop but have always been reliable to me. They just don't have the staff to ship everything as expected.
Anyone here orders from anime-island that have or had problems with them? Are they always late in shipping items?
Anyone here orders from anime-island that have or had problems with them? Are they always late in shipping items?
I remember searching for Final Bout and was nearly impossible to find and the only copy that was in a local Japanese import store had it for like 75 bucks. Back in the 1990s that was a lot of money to fork over for a game and especially when you were a kid. So a friend of mines burnt it on disc and had to jimmy rig the PS to play it. The good old days.
Anyone here orders from anime-island that have or had problems with them? Are they always late in shipping items?
Thanks for the feedback about anime-island guys. Just got worried coz the item I ordered has already shipped from other retailers and they haven't shipped it yet. It's going on 2 months now and their replies is always slow and often vague.
Yeah, same here. Slow response.
Don't ever try to cancel an order, or they'll rip you off.
I've been using them for years. They can be frustratingly slow but the price is always good for me and they mark items as gifts so I don't pay customs. Also when I had a faulty PAK figure a few years back they replaced it straight away.
I've cancelled orders with them a couple of times without issue. What happened?