wait does the D in Damazing standing for Darius? Lol if it does i never knew!
I wanna say this body mold comes in second behind SWA for me, and i say body mold since some people may not like ssj3 transformation haha But not doubt it's a superb body. I think SWA still takes the cake for me though due to all the detail in it and shading etc Although you can attribute it to the fact it's design lends itself to that more.
@cobra22 i thought you were the one who mentioned putting manga goku's head on the SWA body??? If it wasnt you then that's really weird to get an SWA with no shading, all the ones ive seen are shaded or even over shaded, stopped my brother from buying an overshaded one since he didnt notice. Looks like candy corn when it's over shaded.
Also, i discovered something intersting, i have a blue LED and when i shined it in the dark on vegeta, gohan 2.0, SWA goku, broly, and the datong SSJ3 head, all their hairs glowed! Must be because the yellow paint they used has a bit of fluoresence to it. The green spiral wind effect also glows! Armored trunks ssj hair also glows, could make for some good display ideas with lights in the future.
So i finished my vegeta from the DX set, he looks really good actually! i thought i wouldnt like him based of pictures and videos but he's pretty well done. His face scupts are top notch! I got the DX Trunks and vegeta set, so vegeta was paler and his suit was really blue. Shaded hair, face with orange, mouth and ears with brown, armor and gloves/boots with a blue-gray, and the yellow armor parts lined with brown. His suit i used red for shading to darken it and give it subtle purple hue for SSJ. Also the body armor at first i made the mistake of using pure blue to shade, and it looked kind off, so after awhile of trying to fix it with a combintation of the blue-gray marker, it ended up with how it looks now, which was better than i had imagined imo, i guess it was a happy accident.
Also, to make his torso look a bit better i pulled the mid torso up a little higher to pose better, as it's connected by a longer ball peg (both at the mid joint and the hip joint) it has a similar function to the OG SHF vegetas where you can pull the hips up to pose more.
"The sleeper has awakened! I am the prince of saiyans once again!"
also i think i overdid the lining around his eyes a bit, so he ended up looking Majin to me lol I did a better job on the alt face since i lined the white parts with black and the inner rim of the eyes with brown instead. also really like the hair sculpt on this vegeta, i feel like tamashii should definitely do a hair sculpt like this for vegeta in SHF. I think i would consider buying a non dx figurise vegeta to paint the hair for SSB, but i have no doubt theyll make one anyways.