I have considered that... I've also considered that she just caught Goku off guard and he may not really be trying all that hard just yet. Or even that he really didn't want to knock them out, but he was just trying to get them to try harder... I just have a hard time believing any base fusion of 2 fairly trained saiyans would even be able to come close to 1 masterfully trained saiyan using god ki, even if he's worn out... He must not be that worn out since he goes blue next episode.
SS3 would have been more believable indeed... It would have been more believable also if Kafla had been at least SS or SS2 to start with and not base. Her being in base state is what really has me up in arms... Usually i'm pretty lax about power-levels since it's usually just a plot device now but that's kinda ridiculous to me and really lessens/cheapens the gap between normal and god ki... It went from "Overwhelming Pressure!!" to Screw you, fusion is better.
P.S. Or maybe I'm just bitter because SS God is my favorite transformation

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