I need someone to knock some sense into me and give me some reasons why I should keep my figuarts collection! Thanks guys.
1) Because it would make you sad.
2) Statues are nice and all, but in an animated medium as creative and epic as DBZ, it's kind of restrictive to have the characters stuck in a single pose, albeit an epic one. Articulated figures allow for a tremendous range of poses, dioramas and battle situations that you can create and modify over and over.
3) If you regret it one day (and in my experience you will), you'll have a lot of trouble (or expenses) getting those figures back again.
Alright guys I need some help. Recently I’ve really taken an interest to DBZ resin statues. Most of you know those are pretty expensive. My question is, should I sell my figuarts collection to help fund collecting resins? I would be sad to part with them as I have every release except for Sdcc 2011 Goku.
I need someone to knock some sense into me and give me some reasons why I should keep my figuarts collection! Thanks guys.
Sell everything Pre-Broly and a few choices after. Most of them have been or will be receiving updated versions.
SSPorunga I love the battle damaged gohan
I’m thinking of selling my sdcc exclusives and a few others.
Does anyone know if there’s a forum for these resin statues?
SSPorunga I love the battle damaged gohan
I would say keep the Broly SDCC Exclusive. The only other one I would recommend is Super Saiyan Gohan. (Tamashii should've released the 1st appearance rather than the Father/Son Kamehameha version. Oh well.)
What others were you thinking of selling?
Not familiar with any forums about the resin statues but I know there's quite a couple of Facebook groups that show them off quite a lot. It seemed the Super Saiyan Rose Goku had many problems with its shipment. Many collectors seemed to have received them with the head snapped off.
Edited: Awesome displays!
Also, I've noticed that you collected most of the Figuarts Zero EXs. Who would you like to see next? I'm hoping for Ultra Instinct Goku.
Hey man, this is just my take on selling. I sold my collection before. Had everything up until awaking Goku. I recently rebuilt thanks the 2.0 releases.
I agree with Angelo I'd sell everything up until Broly. But I'd keep krillin and the androids. I'd a pick a broly to keep and one to sell. I'd sell pc Vegeta and trunks, the xenoverse figures.
A lot of figures got 2.0's. So I'd sell the older versions.
As far as the sdcc figures it's up to you. I'd keep 2011 and piccolo. Maybe gohan to have a non bd version.
That's the best way I can think of getting rid of a majority but still having some in case you don't want to quit all together.