Compared to something like Death Note where a thought provoking plot is necessary to progress the story, Dragon Ball may fall flat. But it's undeniable that Dragon Ball, based on its history, is one of the greatest series ever created. The fact that it's still alive is damn impressive, even if the plots used for Super weren't necessarily groundbreaking or newer. I still love it, and honestly I think Dragon Ball will always be my favorite series.
As for Bulma, she does look great! I still think I'm going to pass on her though. I've been trying to save money and seriously debate which figures I get. I still haven't picked up Nappa, Yamcha, Kid Goku or Goku Black. I'm waiting for a PC Nappa, but definitely want to pick up the other three at some point. Had it been Bulma's original look in dragon ball with the pink shirt/dress or her namek outfit I probably would get it, but this one seems like such an odd choice to me. It's supposed to be her first manga appearance, correct?
It depends if Bulma is a Web Exclusive or not. I normally find it better to purchase a Web Exclusive when its released or shortly after. I figure it's better to sell if I don't want it rather than trying to hunt it down when its price rises in the after-market.
The problem with Nappa is that I'm afraid Tamashii Nations will do something similar to Broly where they make the "most wanted" coloring applications a SDCC Exclusive. I hope they wait until he sells out and then eventually release a Premium Color (anime) version. Maybe with a 2.0 Piccolo or even Saiyan Saga Goku.
Yamcha is a Web Exclusive too. There will more than likely be an Android Saga based on those sales but, if you do want to get the Saiyan Saga version, don't wait on him too long.
Kid Goku is also selling out quickly but it's okay to take your time since he's a Regular Release and well...Goku.

I am very surprised to see how fast Super Saiyan 3 Goku has been selling. Not really that surprising but still...shows the power in sales for Goku.
Goku Black is selling extremely well. I have found out something interesting about that release. All faces are compatible with the Normal and Super Saiyan Rose heads. (They could have repainted the smirk for Super Saiyan Rose! Why, Tamashii, why?!) So I imagine it will be the same for the inevitable Super Saiyan/Blue Goku release. Very smart business decision. Anyways, Goku Black is a great release. I highly recommend him.
Lobster Goku looks like crap.
Yeah, they could have handled that a lot better rather than going straight out red.
Do any other figure lines of any Dragon Ball series scale with the FiguArts? There were a few options at GameStop and comic stores and such for dragon ball figures. And a lot look similar, maybe it’s just me. And then they had model kits as well. These seemed like the best line, but some characters are not out, or ones like Android 18 are really pricey. How do y’all decide what other lines to mix in?
Deano did a comparison with Krillin Figure-Rise and seemed to prefer it over the Figuarts. (Which I tend to agree with. It was really well done.) Figure-Rise is hit or miss with the scaling though. Broly is very close to scaling well with the Figuarts version. I prefer the height of the Super Saiyan 4 Goku and Vegeta Figure-Rise. Perfect Cell as well. Looking forward to seeing how tall Piccolo will be compared to Figuarts.
Dragon Ball Stars is the closest to scaling with Figuarts in regards to consistency though. Cheaper alternative but faster production.
In regards to action figures/articulation, Figure-Rise and Stars are the Top 2, and only that I know of, lines that have the most potential of crossing over well with the Figuarts line.