The first in hand vids of Figure-rise Piccolo are coming in and he looks amazing. Like Krillin he is going to replace the figuarts version in my cabinet. Lighter green while keeping the pink muscle, dark purple gi and only slightly taller than the figuarts one, making him in perfect scale since the original is underscaled. Heres a vid of someone speedbuilding it with some comparisons at the end to the figuarts one.
I heard rumors we might get an sh figuarts Shallot as Tamashii was teasing something with Dragonball Legends.
That’s awesome! Finally all the z fighters. Did you take one with figuarts tien?I took a new one today
Did anyone get Goku Black yet?
Yes, got him last week
Not surprised. Take a look at perfect cell PCE... he wasn’t on the market for that long and it’s already sold out.
I may have sold all of my figuarts but how disappointing it is to see them use the 2.0 box on this reissue item.
Pictures! Mines still in transit and the wait is killing me lol
The one I ordered from Toyzinthebox last week is out for delivery
I might do the same thing. Was thinking of ordering a second one from GameStop. BBTS has him back up for preorder tooI ordered another Goku Black from that Otakupowers place, haven't heard nothing from them since I ordered lol.
Also ordered another from Gamestop but that's not due to ship until late May which is fine with me
Frieza isn't a PCE. It's a new sculpt and a regular retail release in Japan. That's why it has the new box design.
Cell PCE was completely different. It was a webshop exclusive.
Can't find goku black anywhere, anyone know where I can purchase him in the states?