Thanks Angelo! Hopefully I'll be able to get Blue Vegito to go in the place of Super Saiyan Vegito
As far as third party accessories I'm all for it if they're pretty decent quality and tamashii isn't making them. I ended up getting the Tien and Yamcha accessory pack, hopefully those parts will look as good as they do in photos
Each one is hand made and sculpted, slips on over his right fist, fits like a glove. No custom or borrowed hands necessary."
Was that meant as a jab at the guy that made that other custom scythe? The one that didn’t fit on Goku Black’s hands? lol
Was that meant as a jab at the guy that made that other custom scythe? The one that didn’t fit on Goku Black’s hands? lol
Lmao and I thought dragon ball drama was only within the anime
If I was in that situation, I wouldn’t get super mad or anything. I would just see it as rival competition & throw jabs right back at him with more unique accessories. People get offended way too easily these days
Tamashii gave Goku Black to bootleggers on a silver platter.
Luckily, I don't think Super Saiyan Blue Vegito will be all too difficult to obtain. The coloring of the hair is perfect but everything else is the same old Vegito and it took awhile for him to sell. I think he'll be the 2nd easiest to get after Perfect Cell then followed by the energy effect along with Broly.
I had sold almost all of my Figuarts ZERO and was done with it. But this Broly...
What's this "Burning Battles" - "Extra Battles" theme they have with the extra logos? Is this tied to the Dragon Ball Heroes card-game?