Want adult Trunks with long hair and only adult Trunks with long hair
Even though DBGT is a black sheep or not as liked, those Saiyan 4 forms are iconic in itself. They're very much liked. Dragon Ball Heros the game displayed Saiyan 4, giving Gohan, Broly, and God who else a Saiyan 4 transformation. I think its super likely that we'll get Gogeta Saiyan 4.
Lol @ android 21 being there, wasted spot since they already have her official shots so she's pretty much confirmed already. Some of those choices are... questionable though, I mean, Tao, really?
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Yeah, I get what you mean. I think it has to do with there still being quite a few figures scheduled for release this year, plus the fact that for the last year or two most of their big reveals have been at the Tamashii nations events in Japan instead. We got the Broly reveal because of his fame outside of Japan.I thought the same at first but they probably meant her original form. Either way I don’t care lol. DB, DBZ, DBS, and GT take priority over any video game character. This SDCC was overall a let down since I expected some heavier hitters. I’m sure they’re just spacing the showings of new stuff for their tour so we’ll probably see better stuff later
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By noon or before [emoji23]
You gargle your mouth and take that back! I had the best time working on the first movie at Pinewood Toronto Studios.Pacific Rim must be maining for the chinese market. I just never saw the hype for that movie