Gary!!! Nice to see you on here!!! Your posing game is ridiculous!
@Angelo: Sorry for the delay my friend, like many I would have preferred battle damage versions but I'm ok with those "clean" versions![]()
Nah, that was a brilliant way to use him. Dragon Stars is not the same quality as Figuarts but it's worth it to have a pose like that. Then have the Figuarts in a more dynamic pose.
There's honestly not enough Jiren products. Banpresto specifically. Is he not popular enough in Japan maybe? I'm not sure.
My display is a work in progress. [emoji38]. I have so many Banpresto pieces to go with my Figuarts. Got to find the perfect balance to include all of them in certain displays to have an overall effect. I'll work on one later this week and post it. I believe I have all the pieces I want for my Resurrection F display.
Yeah, I'm really looking forward to Broly! The feet are rather large but if it holds the figure up well without needing a stand then I'll be happy. Just can't get over the size of the figure. (Super Buu looks impressive as well.)
The original Broly is still one of the best releases in the line. Super Warrior Awakening Goku may have been the figure that brought upon the newer technology but Broly stands out among all the releases before that and holds up well among the releases after it. Very rare to happen.
I can understand Jiren being not as popular since he can be seen as pretty one dimensional, but I really like his character. What I enjoy the most about dragon ball (as I'm sure most people do) are the epic fight scenes, and even if Jiren isn't the most well written character, every fight scene he is a part of is epic, probably the best fights Super had to offer. That's the same reason I loved the original Broly movie. Pretty one dimensional character, but the fights were great and kept me coming back to it.
Good luck with your display, I can't wait to see it when it's finished! Sounds like it'll be pretty epic.
I think that's the reasoning behind the large feet on broly, hopefully it will be easy to securely pose him with his larger feet. I can't wait for Super buu, he looks perfect. I would have preferred Kid Buu, but this version is the next best thing.
Agreed about the original Broly, he's one of my favorites in the line as well. I don't think there's much else they could have done to make the figure better.
Zamasu looks awesome! I'm so glad they gave him an updated hairsculpt instead of reusing a previous Super Saiyan hair mold. I'm hoping he comes with the deformed arm and face, I'm kind of thinking it might considering the price tag. Also bummed to see normal zamasu removed from the jump calendar. Hopefully he wasn't postponed
Is there any information on when Zamasu is going up for preorder and if he's going to be a web exclusive?
I almost hope he'll be an exclusive so I can get my preorder in for sure, I almost always miss the preorder on hlj and amiami...
His characterization worked really well in the anime. He was hyped ever since Whis said that there's a being who's stronger than his God of Destruction that's arguably stronger than Beerus. That set the tone for the Jiren's power right there and they delivered in the Tournament of Power. I don't think they really needed to add anything more to that. (I'm glad they did though later on.) The journey of Goku getting stronger to defeat him was probably the best of the entire series for me. It's up there when Gohan turned Super Saiyan 2. That's still my favorite moment but Goku/Jiren was the better fight. I hope to see Jiren products later down the line though. I think he's too good of a marketable character for Bandai to overlook. But, like the majority of Bandai products, if he's not a Saiyan, it doesn't matter. [emoji38]
The Figuarts Zero Kid Buu has been holding me over until a S.H.Figuarts version. I won't know until I have it in hand but they've done an excellent job with Majin Buu and Super Buu looks to be another outstanding job. Hopefully Kid Buu's quality will make it 3 for 3.
I'll have to look at it up close or different angles but it seems they took the Super Saiyan Rose base hair sculpt and added a different front piece to it. Which was the best way to go about it. The monster parts being included would really save the line another release too.
Oh I absolutely agree. Personally Jiren is one of my favorite characters in Super, but I can see where other people come from when describing him as a more "basic" character. The background info on him showing why he values strength so much was nice, but even without that I thought he was a great character. Hopefully tamashii will reveal more promotional photos soon! Agreed about Gokus UI transformation, him going mastered UI and wrecking Jiren is probably my favorite part of Super. Gohans Super Saiyan transformation is probably my 3rd favorite part in Z, my first being Trunks' introduction and my second being Gokus Super Saiyan transformation.
I have one zero figure (ss3 gotenks) and it's a really nice piece but I just prefer articulated figures. Honestly all of the zero figures look great and I feel have a better accuracy to the source material than the sh line (I mean that cooler they just announced looks INSANE), but I just love articulation haha. I may pick up the dragon stars kid buu depending on how it turns out.
It was mostly the bangs I was worried about since tamashii can never seem to get them right, so I'm glad they at least changed that to make it accurate. Definitely hoping for the monster parts, corrupted zamasu would look incredible in sh figuarts form.
I dig it...
With fused Zamasu’s price point, I think there is much more exciting reveals to come with him. If not ... I will pass cuz I don’t want Tamashii to think that we will pay anything for anything. In the end it’s up to the consumer how much things sell for. To me, if he doesn’t have a good set of accessories then he is not worth the 80+ they are asking.
We should find out in about a week or two.
Finally got Good Buu, man that box is huge!