That is actually a very good idea lol.
I knew they were eventually going to do that, I called it a few months back. Buuhan is obviously next.
But they are still behind on releasing Vegito 2.0, Raditz, the Gotenks ghosts, Cooler, Guldo, etc. they have a bad habit of announcing new stuff when the old stuff they announced has been forgotten about
But the thing what confuses me is, was anybody every asking for a Cooler Force Sauzer figure? Sauzer? Sure he has a semi-unique design, but does he have any legitimate fans?
This release had me scratching my head. It was just so random, like when they released the Frieza Force Banan figure. He literally had no lines, no notable action sequences, nothing. Yet we have a figure of him for some reason
in my opinion Demoniacal Fit seems to be “playing it safe” by releasing these relatively unknown characters. If the casual DBZ fan never watched Cooler’s Revenge then they would have no idea who his henchmen were. DF would benefit greatly if they were to release Dodoria & Zarbon, since they actually have relevance to the plot, people know who they are, and I highly doubt they are on Tamashii’s priority list
1 last post, does any know know where I can acquire the DF normal Vegeta headswap? I can’t find it on eBay anymore
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I wish they would do a SSJ3 Gotenks hair/face and maybe even a SSJ3 Goku 2.0 hair that didn't stick away so far from his body.
Has King Piccolo gone on preorder at bbts yet?
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