I'm working on it, bro... Perfect balanced and articulated hair
Your link doesn't work for me. I must not be in that group
I'm working on it, bro... Perfect balanced and articulated hair
Your link doesn't work for me. I must not be in that group
Oh sorry!! I don't know how to upload pictures...
If we find any way to contact, I send you the pictures
Will you erase the eyebrows for your SSJ3 Gotenks?
Dude that is amazing! Will you be mass-producing those? And how can I sign up to buy one?
Can't mass produce it...I only can make it from every figure is needed here....
I don't have the tools for cast and so on...
This is all for fun
So if I send you my Gotenks, would you be able to only customize that one for me? Or are you saying this project is for yourself only
This is for my personal collection only....If my little 10-month-old daughter gives me the chance , I would work on it, but trust me...is a madness ...the recipe is Figure Rise Ssj3, SHF Goku ssj3, SHF Kid Goku, SHF Gotenks, Shodo neo Gotenks....
What parts did you use from these?
Kid goku body seems obvious, the others I'm not so sure. Did you mix the hair from goku3 and figurise3? What was shodo neo for?
Looks great btw! Good job. I'm in same boat with a 2 yr old and a 4mo old don't have any free time for my projects (i have two wanting to start: damaged vegeta from DBZ season 1, and Base Broly from OG movie)
I can’t tell if the first SSBlue’s neck is too long, or the new SSBlue’s neck is too short