S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Imo DF either missed a trick or know exactly what they are doing by not including a VB sculpt. Im willing to guess the blue headsculpt will release with the spirit sword in a separate pack.
Ok, hu...so two things :

@crisis, why are you calling Vegeto, Vegerot? It’s not the first time I see you giving weird naming to some DBZ characters.

Second : it’s a risky territory there! Ok, Vegeto doesn’t exist as a 2.0, but it’s a massive character and I sure do know that if it has the Kaio Ken Goku level of quality, I will buy it.
I don’t see Tamashii Nations accepting this
Ok, hu...so two things :

@crisis, why are you calling Vegeto, Vegerot? It’s not the first time I see you giving weird naming to some DBZ characters.

Second : it’s a risky territory there! Ok, Vegeto doesn’t exist as a 2.0, but it’s a massive character and I sure do know that if it has the Kaio Ken Goku level of quality, I will buy it.
I don’t see Tamashii Nations accepting this
The names are so because demoniacal fit lists them that way. To help avoid copyright.

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Ok, hu...so two things :

@crisis, why are you calling Vegeto, Vegerot? It’s not the first time I see you giving weird naming to some DBZ characters.

Second : it’s a risky territory there! Ok, Vegeto doesn’t exist as a 2.0, but it’s a massive character and I sure do know that if it has the Kaio Ken Goku level of quality, I will buy it.
I don’t see Tamashii Nations accepting this

It's not like ANY of those items Demoniacal Fit makes are legal anyway, he doesn't have the license from Toei / Bandai to make DBZ stuff to make money. They aren't bootlegs since they're not knockoffs of existing figures, but they are certainly not legal in any way and you can bet Bandai IS trying to stop it, but it's not easy (just consider the trouble LEGO, the number one toy company in the world, is having stopping China's LEPIN brand from making third party and knockoffs).
What DF is doing is the same as what 3rd party transformers brands do. Its a grey area they can exploit. They arent bootlegs, so its not as easy to sue these companies.
Yup, especially if the engineering is a bit different. I'm interested in this one but I really like my 1.0 Vegeto Blue...I don't know what to do honestly x)
Technically, making customs and selling them is copy right infringement.
DF is making customs and mass producing them. They are not making molds that Tamashii did and are also changing the names of the characters to also avoid that copy right as well.
They will be fine. I'm more waiting for the extra head accessories then a full figure.
It's also extremely tough to find and prosecute these guys in China and notably how their laws are organized. They're able to operate because of that vacuum. I think most companies tend to hope they burn out and fade away...kind of like Datong did.

Demonical Fit seems to be holding strong. And I kind of like that they're really challenging Tamashii with some of their releases. It's really putting Tamashii on the spot to answer...especially in terms of being done with the 1.0 Goku molds. However, I think DF's sales barely make a dent in stealing Tamashii's so ultimately I think they'll hope DF fizzles out.
I hope Demoniacal Fit would make articulated minor characters like Oolong and friends. Oh, and a Cell Junior pack as well!
I...I can't...I....what?!
That's the way to go, though....I think I'm fine with the one I have since Bulma mainly has blue hair... But yeah, it's cool.

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