Super Freak

Awesome pics Pantone!!, Love the lighting, and blast effects

Awesome pics Pantone!!, Love the lighting, and blast effects

We will most likely see a protoype of Cell at SDCC, rumor has it Tamashii are bringing five new prototype dbz figuarts to that con; so far they have teased Cell, saiyan saga Vegeta and now android 18 via bluefins fb page, Regular Goku will
Most likely be among them too if the rumor is true
i must check this thread every couple hours in hopes there will be an update on Cell.
Anyone have any guesstimates on when we'll start seeing pictures or rough drafts of it?
I really doubt they will do Roshi; that doesnt look like a tease so much as it just looks like they loved the cosplay lol, it would be a mistake to do him when we have so many better characters to choose from, like frieza, mystic/Teen Gohan, Vegito, Super Buu, Broly etc; why do someone who had little to do with DBZ?
At last! The moment I was waiting for!!
I coudn't hold myself I did some adjustments to see him better
Nice huh? I was just expecting that his legs would be longer... and his head smaller... but it's ok, I want to see better pictures first.
Wow, what software did you guys use?
Cell is lookin great!