S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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... since Europe doesn't get any love from Figuarts this is gonna cost a lot. I think even more than in Japan. Oh well....

i hear you brother. sucks to be in europe for buying these figures :gah:

anyway i think while Nappa is cool for this display i wont be buying him..

same goes for android 18.

i think they were a waste of time.

and as such a jeopardy to the franchise if they do get released

they should do Majin Bu and or the other Z soldiers Tienshinhan, chiatzou and Yamcha first...

Get the main heroes and villains out and then get going on the auxillary charcters.

i cant be bothered with figures like Nappa before i get the other main characters, Android 18's OK but the character design is just so plain compared to Frieza, cell and Majin Bu that they are way down on my list - same goes for Brolly, and any other character from a DBZ movie because im as interested in them as much as a character in the background of one of the Budokai tournaments that appeared for 3 seconds in 1 episode.

Z soldiers and main villains please.
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Might be in the minority here, but does anyone else think that the Vegeta sculpt they use for the 1st saiyan armor is a reuse from the super saiyan Vegeta? Face looks sharp and more pronounced compared to the manga toriyama drew for that particular scene. So does the black haired Goku.

I'm still buying this nonetheless. But I was hoping they would give us an accurate sculpt for that particular time, instead of reusing the older Vegeta sculpt.


Yeah also dissapointed.
I have to admit...the more I look at em, the more Android 18, Frieza and Krillin are growing on me.
Btw, does anybody know where one might get the re-release of Gohan for a reasonable price besides at SDCC. Sellers at ebay are such thieves man..
I know what you all mean about Nappa and co not fitting in, but I think 18 would do well in a pose with Vegeta and Trunks; Vegetas broken arm and trunks holding his broken sword. I agree with nappa though, unless he comes with some sort of effect part hes a no-no for me, Krillin I will get to pose with 18 aswell
I have to admit...the more I look at em, the more Android 18, Frieza and Krillin are growing on me.
Btw, does anybody know where one might get the re-release of Gohan for a reasonable price besides at SDCC. Sellers at ebay are such thieves man..

If you are patient they will come down in price; some sellers put them quite cheap once they get ahold of them, and that forces the others to do the same; Toy arena is one such ebay seller, I get most of my figuarts from him.
I'm actually happy that Bandai used the same sculpt on Vegeta. It is not a big deal that he doesn't look like the one Toryama drew back then at saiyan saga. If they draw Vegeta again it would probably be different from that old style. But the most important: We might be able to put his head on the Android Saga Vegeta and put SS head on the 1st armor Vegeta! I really hope so.. as Bandai is making some changes on sculpts and articulations...

Now I wonder how his shoulder's armor will work... I think I see a gap between his chest and left shoulder, this might be due to articulation.
I'm actually happy that Bandai used the same sculpt on Vegeta. It is not a big deal that he doesn't look like the one Toryama drew back then at saiyan saga. If they draw Vegeta again it would probably be different from that old style. But the most important: We might be able to put his head on the Android Saga Vegeta and put SS head on the 1st armor Vegeta! I really hope so.. as Bandai is making some changes on sculpts and articulations...

Now I wonder how his shoulder's armor will work... I think I see a gap between his chest and left shoulder, this might be due to articulation.

I wouldn't worry about swapping heads; the only head joint they changed was SS3 Goku, because his hair needed support, I am confident that all normal figuarts will have a simple ball joint, easy to pop off.

I am actually happy they went with a repaint of SS vegetas hair, that hair sculpt is great anyway. I also see what you mean about the shoulder armor; they will find a way to articulate up the way, its not in the style of tamashii to have anything restricted.

same with the waist flaps; I see the hinge to let them move, but i hope they pop off so we can have a namek Vegeta too, always preferred his look when he first landed on namek.
Thanks for the tip Big Deano. I hope they will have this figure for a good price.

Hey no problem, just one more tip though; there is usually just a small window right after release where the figure goes cheaper, in Gohans case I'd watch eBay over the next few days to a week to see the best prices appear, but after that window they start to creep back up again.

Take both Trunks and SS3 Goku as examples; when they first got announced, they were sky high, about £50-£60, upon release they went down to around £30-£40, and a couple of weeks later went up to about £40-£45.

I was going to link one seller who had him at £35, the cheapest so far, but as I predicted, he sold out almost right away.
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Have they announced release dates for any of these? This has replaced Marvel Legends as my favorite line but the only problem I have is that it takes so long for new figures to come out. However with all these pics it seems like they may be pumping them out on a more regular basis.
Have they announced release dates for any of these? This has replaced Marvel Legends as my favorite line but the only problem I have is that it takes so long for new figures to come out. However with all these pics it seems like they may be pumping them out on a more regular basis.

Nope, this is just them teasing "possible" future releases; we may see them 2013-14, but nothing so far. The only one to be confirmed so far is Cell, he is September or October i believe but don't quote me on that lol.
Guys, do you know if any company ever made mini dragon balls? to fit 6 inches figures? I'd love to put some dragon balls with my figuarts. Even if they are bigger, it could be namek's dragon balls :)
Guys, do you know if any company ever made mini dragon balls? to fit 6 inches figures? I'd love to put some dragon balls with my figuarts. Even if they are bigger, it could be namek's dragon balls :)

Well...not that I condone bootlegging but, on ebay there are bootlegs of the ultimate figure series that come with dragonballs, complete with pegs, they are about Namek size. Search for "dragonball lot" and you will see them.

I bought a set because they actually went to the trouble of making an UFS Trunks and SS4 Goku and Gogeta, something that series never made, and the pegs on the dragonballs came in handy for making a modelling clay base; I just pressed the balls pegs into the base, removed them and baked it, will need to take a pic to show it, and my collection for that matter.
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Nope, this is just them teasing "possible" future releases; we may see them 2013-14, but nothing so far. The only one to be confirmed so far is Cell, he is September or October i believe but don't quote me on that lol.

Derringer was saying that as long as the figures shown at sdcc get strong receptions, we can expect to see them all released eventually
Might be in the minority here, but does anyone else think that the Vegeta sculpt they use for the 1st saiyan armor is a reuse from the super saiyan Vegeta? Face looks sharp and more pronounced compared to the manga toriyama drew for that particular scene. So does the black haired Goku.

I'm still buying this nonetheless. But I was hoping they would give us an accurate sculpt for that particular time, instead of reusing the older Vegeta sculpt.

It's definitely from the existing sculpt. Doesn't make sense for them to do a new sculpt financially when the differences in the art style is more or less contributed to the mangaka's style changing through time though.

If you look at the Saiyan Saga Vegeta from the DB Kai Opening, he's drawn in the updated style too.

But at least we're guaranteed a good sculpt, and it wouldn't look out of place when swapped with the Android Arc Vegeta.

Just POed Cell from Amazon by the way, much easier price to stomach than trying to get it from Japan.
Just noticed the SDCC Gokou jumped in price by another $30 everywhere... Yay. :/

anyone remember how much he was at SDCC 2011 ??

this year Gohan was $30 and it seems it is standard that the secondary sellers double that - and they're the cheapest ones! some of the prices above that are taking the Pssssss.

looking at it sensibly if RRP on trunks is $50 allowing for $10 extra due to the exclusiveness of it $60 is still bad for Gohan, but not real bad... anything above that is just plain ruthless!!

like one guy is asking $100!!! WTF???

( plus $40 to ship to the UK - WTF? x2 ,seeing as it can cost about $9-15) in the words of my US brothers and sisters i suggest that the guy is a 'douche bag'.
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