i dont think launch will ever be on a poll considering shes only in dragon ball not dbz lol and a bardock and broly would be badass but krillin is still an alright character... at least hes not yamcha lol
Krillin is a great choice!!! Cell was needed, like I stated before, we have more goo fuys than bad.
Hopefully we get some more news before ToyFair... Isn't Miami-Con coming up?
I was using the launch thing as an example; I hope she mever appears on a poll lol, although a Bardock or Broly would be good
As for Krillin; yes he would be a good figure to have, not been any great figures of him made, but I just hope more important figures are made first.
it would be kind of epic to be able to do this with the figures!
I am still new to these figures, have they all been released within the last year? This will tell me if Vegeta, Goku, Krillin, Freeza, Nappa, and Android 18 will all be 2013 releases. I see Nappa being the SDCC 2013 exclusive... I'd like for a 4-6 figure a year schedule to happen. That way it isn't too expensive and so It doesn't get old and me losing interest.
Hey i think its been 2 years since the sdcc ssj goku, nappa deff wont be a sdcc usually the exclusives are the original 3 that were released in japan ( goku gohan an my guess piccolo will be next) cuz they had the manga colours not the anime colours, so piccolo maybe next. But i believe this year theyve released ssj3 goku trunks sdcc gohan and cell, i dont know when they released vegeta but i do know those 4 were this year so ya they release around 4/year but it maybe more this year considering they didnt show off that many prototypes the year before, so it looks like this line is growin![]()
Yea, I just looked the Zero figures up.... To be honest, Freeza looks like ****! So 6 figures in all, that have been shown. Maybe we will get one every 2 months? Pretty excited about that!
i dont think launch will ever be on a poll considering shes only in dragon ball not dbz lol and a bardock and broly would be badass but krillin is still an alright character... at least hes not yamcha lol
Tbh i think the important characters are: normal hair goku, gohan, tien, chao tzu, yamcha, krillin, piccolo, radtiz, nappa, vegeta saiyan saga, frieza, 16, 17 ,18 ,19 ,20, cell, mystic gohan, goten and kid trunks, gotenks and super buu... Ya i kno quite a list i am even tempted to add the ginyu force and dodoria an zarbon but then its like im naming every character lol
These Release VERY SLOWLY. think 2-3 a year Plus a SDCC Exclusive.
Generaly SDCC exclusives will be a recolor, or a slight remold.
The word is that We might get a "wrong colors Vegeta" as this years SDCC ex.
There was also talk of doing original characters as SDCC exclusives, but done as remolds using mostly existing parts.
For example, lets say that in the next year, we see Radditz and normal goku get released.
Were that to happen, we would more than likely get Turles as a SDCC figure that year as well.
The dragon ball figurearts line is not restricted solely to DBZ, Dragon ball and GT both are on the table as are all the movies. before this line is done, i do hope to see ALL the z-figuhters, the main cast of Dragon ball, and a good selection from GT.
and a CRAPLOAD of good badguys.
my personal top 5 that have not been even hinted at yet?
Master Roshi
Kid Buu ( wouldn't say no to ANY bu however)
Mr Satan
Teenage Chichi
that's a pretty awesome list.
as i've said several times, I will get EVERY figure they make. I LOVE Toriyama's art, so i'll get every figure they make.