S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Blood: whats your response to prison ***** vegeta repaint?

If they'd put prison ***** vegeta on the box without censoring and made nappa, that's the only way I'd buy this.
To be totally honest I do not want to join the hate on Bluefin and I used to say that I would buy nearly everything this line put out but this is an AWFUL idea, I would have sooner bought ANY other Vegeta, even pink shirt I had my hopes up that soon I would be able to afford an official super saiyan Vegeta and trash my fake one but clearly that won't be happening any time soon if at all. At the moment as hopeful as I am for the next few releases, there are not very many figures that could make me less mad about this! Still hoping for a super saiyan vegeta at some point and SDCC better have some good protos. Sorry for the rant and for joining in on the group hate session, here's hoping that release next week that pwnstar mentioned is any good.

To be honest I don´t know why you are all angry about this. As has already been said, it is the SDCC Exclusive, which means it doesn´t take up a place in the main line.

Plus any real DB fan would insta buy this, I mean, this is a unique version of Vegeta only seen in 1 episode! It´s fkn awesome and a curiosity in the series!
I was acutally so excited when I saw it in Bluefin´s Facebook page I almost pissed my pants. So yeah, I´m surprised by your reaction guys...disappointed in you all!:lecture

As the old saying goes, "expectation is the root of all heartache."

Look at it this way: purchase Bizarro Vegeta now while it's cheap and leave it in the box, with the hope that 1 day it'll rise in value and skyrocket to at least $300. Then just resell it and make a good profit :) look at how many of you that are kicking yourselves now for not getting SS Vegeta when he was brand new.

And if not, then just sell it anyway and get your money back. That's how I'm looking at it.
My main gripe is that this sort of seems like lazy honestly. As Psycho said Vegeta never even crushed his scouter in this, and the other anime colors variants get points for being something that consistently appeared; same applies to the manga ones. Plus I'll be honest, this is incredibly niche. Not that many people have an interest in this...so what the hell? All the other ones sold fast and still sell for after market prices. I would have been fine if it wasn't SSJ Vegeta, just something worthwhile. SDCC has had some niche figures, but usually, it was something decent. Metallic color variants for instance, were pretty ok. Nothing too special, but it was nice.

nanez, I'm disappointed that you aren't respecting everyones' opinions or even trying to understand :lecture any real DB fan would not come up with a 'only a real db fan would do this!'
Oh whoops it looked pretty official and was the first Google result when I looked for sdcc vegeta 2014.
Blood: whats your response to prison ***** vegeta repaint?

If they'd put prison ***** vegeta on the box without censoring and made nappa, that's the only way I'd buy this.

right? hell, i'd print out a text balloon. i guess you just convinced me to actually buy it and keep nagging bluefin for nappa :lol
This was a good choice for a limited piece. Exactly because most people wouldnt buy it. A super saiyan vegeta is still on the table for a new release or a rerelease. And people will calm down when this happens.
I dont understand how everyone is shocked, we've all known that all SDCC exclusives have all been repaints. Why so shocked we got this??? If it had been a "new" figure, everyone would be pissed if it wasnt available to everyone.
Well of course it's lazy, but really they aren't obligated to give us anything. They could stop the line right now & cite poor sales/lack of interest and be done with DBZ. So going on a crusade on how they "screwed up" isn't a wise or logical decision, guys. Just look forward to 18 and 17 later this year and be grateful :)
Unless they have a SSJ Vegeta at SDCC (like rerelease/new figure) I'm not gonna buy a datong one, I'll just fork over the cash for the legit

Awesome pic Orbital!
One more issue I have and then im done; what of the leg issue? This version of Vegeta has notoriously bad leg pegs, so have they at least fixed that? Doubt it.

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You know honestly, I'm surprised we actually didn't get an SSJ God variant of Goku for SDCC considering we got the mold for it, and the movie is coming out in English. It's a good tie-in opportunity isn't it? Granted, it would be hard to buy and SDCC may cripple it in a sense :horror rarity, prices, etc.
You know honestly, I'm surprised we actually didn't get an SSJ God variant of Goku for SDCC considering we got the mold for it, and the movie is coming out in English. It's a good tie-in opportunity isn't it? Granted, it would be hard to buy and SDCC may cripple it in a sense :horror rarity, prices, etc.

check their facebook. they just asked if we're interested in any of the characters of that movie (and go like my comment for nappa
). + god goku has a slender body so they cant just re-use the mold
"Which characters from the movie Battle of Gods would you like to see made?"
Everyone: we want raditz yamcha bojack dodoria yakon

They just need to do a poll and list the characters themselves, because obviously the general public are idiots.