S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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Broly more than makes up for Arlian Vegeta( I'm still warming up to the idea and once SDCC comes I'm definitely getting one so any further ranting from me is unnecessary). They're actually making a Broly. I'm very excited about this.
we should thank this kid, without him this wouldn't have been possible

False, they said they were done with recolors. That's why me and so many others ruled it out, because we trusted what they said was accurate, and is why so much discussion surrounded this topic because of how unusual a re-tooling would be.

Where did they say they were done with sdcc recolors?

On a separate note... I may have to sell my dbz figuarts collection :(
Gonna buy the hell out of that Vegeta. One of my favorite things about the anime is the variability of the characters colour schemes. Plus it means I'll be able to turn my normal colours Vegeta into the Early Namek armor.
Broly looks kinda cool. I've never liked him much more than any other movie villain but I suspect I will pick him up eventually.
False, they said they were done with recolors. That's why me and so many others ruled it out, because we trusted what they said was accurate, and is why so much discussion surrounded this topic because of how unusual a re-tooling would be.

I may have said I personally wanted things that weren't recolors, but I don't think even Adam Newman has ever commented on this.
So this day wasnt a complete cop out after all? Broly is a nice compromise, but does this mean two sdcc figures this year? They usually only do the whole blurry thing on the exclusive, but we already have that orange monstrosity.

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they did it with godzilla 2014 too :dunno

I may have said I personally wanted things that weren't recolors, but I don't think even Adam Newman has ever commented on this.

could be but hey nice sdcc choice! i had a blast reading all the comments here. you guys better bring out nappa though or i wont buy that vegeta :(

It's because it makes Vegeta... look like a vegetable! Green and orange! HE'S A VEGETABLE!
im not a completionist, but there were two lines i was going to buy every figure ever releaed, this one and the star wars 6 inch black series, now with this vegeta repaint, and the fact that hasbro is repackaging its peg warmers on cardboard backgrounds, im going to pick and choose from now on....

how hard was itto make a battle damaged variant instead of this?
I too hate that this figure was chosen for an SDCC release. What a waste! Technically he should never have been inked that colour in the first place. It was a mishap made by Toei animation, as Vegeta's colour scheme was not yet finalised; Toei, not wanting to hinder their production schedule decided to invent their own colouring for his design. So I do appreciate all the fan service Tamshii has put into making this selection, which was clearly a nod to the die-hard DBZ fans. I'll buy it and hate it all the same.

On another note; you need to buy this figure! I think I'm going to have to add a black line around the outside of the eye, like Tamshii does with their figures. Also, they cocked up the boot stripe/lace colours. They should be the exact opposite for that era Goku. Doh!

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Ehhhhhhhh if I was gonna get a statue I'd get an HSCF... his face is kinda odd. I'm glad you enjoy him in your collection though.
Congrats to the broly fans! He's gonna be a brutal looking figure and he'll open the door to nappa!:clap

Also, my polls are now very accurate as well, which I'm very pleased with, as we know kid buu's gonna be here as well.

Plus, withthis laughable exclusive I can have a break this summer.

I wonder when broky will be released.
with body mold he'll open the door to nappa and A-16, A-13, cooler, bojack, Frieza special team, radditz (with goku ssj3) and any more :clap