S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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I Thought Android 16 was confirmed for a photoshop fake.
Who said this? I want to know so I can make fun of their intelligence, senseless doubt and cowardice :lol

Photoshop is an impressive tool, and there are some amazingly skilled artists, but the idea of this being a fake is so laughable when you examine the image.

People are so afraid of being duped that's they'll ignore solid evidence because it contradicts their perception of reality. Well I hope that whoever said 16 is fake, will still feel safe in their "skeptic" bubble while our preorders are being shipped next year :lol

I suggest careful examination, and determine it's legitimacy for yourself, like everyone here has :)
Hello friends, again thanks for your reviews, I will try to accommodate your requests ;)

The Android 16 is seen amazing, here I gave him a little push:

looks cool Orbital, yeah I remember that 16 had quite a bit of texture to his armor, but I'd much rather it be only along the edges, I'll make a mockup to show you what I mean.
Who said this? I want to know so I can make fun of their intelligence, senseless doubt and cowardice :lol

Photoshop is an impressive tool, and there are some amazingly skilled artists, but the idea of this being a fake is so laughable when you examine the image.

People are so afraid of being duped that's they'll ignore solid evidence because it contradicts their perception of reality. Well I hope that whoever said 16 is fake, will still feel safe in their "skeptic" bubble while our preorders are being shipped next year :lol

I suggest careful examination, and determine it's legitimacy for yourself, like everyone here has :)
OH man thank you so much for this comment lol, I could not agree more with what u said! People are something else lmao
Hmm, the hair isnt bad, but im more interested in those logos he has on the figures chests; if he sells those, white backgrounds, then im in!

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Im with u those are cool. But since u always have the proving pics lol, does he ever have those logos with the uniform that was released?
I don't care for a Great Saiyaman, much less a Videl version. I'll just take a Mystic Gohan. If and when they do make him, he better be a little bit taller than his dad and not just a new head sculpt on Goku's body.
Too funny. Didn't Pwn himself who works for Bluefin confirm the pic of 16 is real?
Nice job again, Orbital. Looks better with the texture you added for sure even though I have no qualms with the original.
Didn't someone here do an experiment a while back how SSj3's head looks on SSj's body, and it looked way better? If you dislike how "muddy" SSj3 Goku's gi turned out, this new datong head sculpt is your remedy for that! (provided you have an extra SSj Goku)
He does in the recent BoG film and the special a couple years back.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk
Just noticed that, thanks. I sure thats next years SDCC exclusive battle of the gods with kangi symbols
who wants to bet????lol maybe not added kanji but BoG paint scheme for sure
Didn't someone here do an experiment a while back how SSj3's head looks on SSj's body, and it looked way better? If you dislike how "muddy" SSj3 Goku's gi turned out, this new datong head sculpt is your remedy for that! (provided you have an extra SSj Goku)
Im really digging and def getting that head,since I never got the original. Dont need multiple bodies anyways one goku 4 heads is perfect :). Im like Blood no need for multiples lol
To shock us even further, "retooled" Nappa to go along with Arlia Vegeta

View attachment 116919

Arlia Vegeta means Nappa imo. It just seems such a given, because it means BoJ can use the mold for Nappa twice and lower the investment/risk.

I expect broil 16, kid buu and one other proto at sdcc. That's it. I hope it's Android saga Tien or a retooled Nappa, or a long haired Trunks.

That would perfect. I would faint if they finally made Tien. IMO he's essential for the Cell Saga as if he wasn't around everyone would have been screwed. He really made a difference.

All we need is a datong SSj2 head and the set will be complete

This sooo sooo much. SSJ2 Goku is my favorite form, I keep waiting.. but Tamashii keeps holding back. I guess we have to wait for them really get into the Buu Saga stuff heavy before we finally get Majin Vegeta & SSJ2 Goku. Maybe it's for the best though, it will mean higher quality and more accessories hopefully. As both increase each year it seems- somewhat anyway.
@wolvie9 I think SSJ God Goku will be next year's SDCC exclusive.

@crisis I would buy a Videl in a heartbeat, but not Saiyawoman. I don't even want the Saiyaman helmet, cape, or bandana for Gohan. I just want how he looked on Babidi's ship.

SSJ2 Goku looks so darn cool, as well as SSJ2 Gohan and Vegeta. I'm dying for Majin Vegeta and would love to put SSJ2 Goku with him!
@wolvie9 I think SSJ God Goku will be next year's SDCC exclusive.

@crisis I would buy a Videl in a heartbeat, but not Saiyawoman. I don't even want the Saiyaman helmet, cape, or bandana for Gohan. I just want how he looked on Babidi's ship.

SSJ2 Goku looks so darn cool, as well as SSJ2 Gohan and Vegeta. I'm dying for Majin Vegeta and would love to put SSJ2 Goku with him!

i doubt ssj god would be an exclusive since he has a different body and it would ruin him for them to use the same body, and exclusives seem to be repaints, a kaioken goku on the other hand... why not?
Saiyan saga Vegeta has a different body in the anime, didnt stop tamashii just reusing the old mold man. All they have to do is add the logos, colour his hair reddish pink and alter the gi colour and they are done.

Heck, if Goku hadnt been delayed several times since Feb theres every possibility god mode could have been this years exclusive, but with the delays all the way to just last month, most would feel shafted if essentially the same figure came out again.

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

Why not? We can toss Ghost Nappa in there too.

Tamashii could rerelease every character with battle damaged deco, I would buy them! Any A B or C character, and I will buy them.
It's an awesome styled figure. I love the articulation. I know it won't, but I want this line to blossom like Irwin's. EVERYONE MADE!