Super Freak
You know what...id really like to see a mecha frieza at some point for sh figuarts lol
Shoot he can very well be a con exclusive
You know what...id really like to see a mecha frieza at some point for sh figuarts lol
New figures added to my collection
I dont think thats all statue though, looks more like a marvel figure with parts of a zarbon statue stuck on it (looking at the flesh coloured neck and arms lying on the table)
Seeing how this thread has been slow lately i would reccomend checking out teamfourstars channel on youtube, they just uploaded episode 38!
I actually laughed most at the apple boot sound when Gero opens up his lab.
It's getting less funny though imo and that's zero percent do to TFS, and all, I'd say, do to the fact that the android period is the least ridiculous one.
I doubt whether they'll ever top frieza, guru and nappa fo me.