Being a lot of you guys enjoy putting your Figuarts in fight poses, what are your top 5 Dragonball fights?
Mine are:
1.Goku vs Majin Vegeta- It's not the best fight, because of any technique, but the emotion that I had built up towards it. It's when Goku and Vegeta were at their most prideful. Although it could use better pacing, being that the techniques weren't varied too much. I got bored in parts, because of this. But things like that head butt, Vegeta slapping Goku, and hearing their admiration for each other's strengths was so emotional.
2. Goku vs Piccolo- This might be my favorite from a visual standpoint. It's so brutal and pushes Goku to his limits, but because of this, we see some awesome strategies. I love how Goku kicks the crap out of Piccolo from the inside. It seemed almost impossible, but somehow he pulled through.
3. Goku vs Freeza- Super Saiyan changes this from the most dragging fight in the series to one of my favorites and making it my second favorite arc in the series. It's awe-inspiring.
4. Goku vs Cell- Probably the best choreographed and tightly designed fight in the entire series. However, I always forget it, because it wasn't a high stake fight, being that Goku was the first to enter the Cell games. No matter how well written it was, it's just a warm up for Gohan.
5. Vegeta vs Boo- Final Atonement is my favorite moment in all TV, so anything that proceeded it was awesome. It's mainly just Vegeta beating on Boo, which I love, but being more one sided, it can't be higher for me.