S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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If they decided to release that Shenron, how much do you think it would've retailed for?
Hey guys, so I was finishing that Bardock special just now and realised that the planet Vegeta's prime colour is almost exactly the same as the Saiyan God hair colour. Now I haven't seen BoG yet, but could that be on purpose? Cause that'd be kinda neat imo. That eactually makes me like the hair colour a lot more.
I dunno, I hate to be a killjoy, but I expect that's just a coincidence.

Of course, there's really nothing to contradict it either, so if it makes the transformation more appealing to you, then why not?
I know its frustrating, but that's still the most likely way.

I got mine on ebay last month, for $80 (granted the seller was in Canada and thus shipping was high, but hey, still a fair deal). I caught it within the day it was listed and jumped on it.

Ridiculously lucky, but that's how it is.
To really get the best deals on eBay, you have to check as frequently as possible and ask questions when it seems too good to be true. Great example: Just scored a manga Goku for $25 shipped because the seller listed it as the ZERO statue. Caught it within 15 minutes of being listed and asked if it was the item in the pic or the title. As soon as they replied that it was the figure I jumped on it. Boom. Under retail figure in like new condition with box.
Although, if its something like sdcc goku then you'll probably get the best results with a bid sniper.
Where the hell an I get a normal Vegeta at a decent price?
**** I regret selling my collection last year!

Depends what you believe is decent. The market keeps on rising month-by-month. The lowest I've found for a website/add to cart is $143 and $145 +$13 for shipping.
I broke my Son Goku's neck. He shelf dived. I'm sure I could/can fix it. But I need a replacement, neck/wrist joint. Can anyone point me where I can get parts?

You can't anywhere, these things might be released like sideshow figures, but they're not. I've never seen anyone selling parts.

You could by the cheapest used goku you can find with an intact joint you're looking for... Ain't more to do in term of buying parts.
Its not Tamashiis fault though crisis, it was "an act of God" as they say. You could still appeal to their good nature but its not a guarantee.
Buy a bootleg vegeta and use his neck joint. They are the same and that's probably the only way you're gonna get a replacement unless some customizer has an extra one theyd be willing to part with.
So I checked another Barnes and Nobles in my area, and it seems they're somewhat slow on getting new stock. They just got Normal Goku and Manga Piccolo but they don't have SSJ Goku (perhaps he sold out?) while they also got Sailor Jupiter and Naruto. They have Figuarts Zero Freiza, which is odd. The other one in my area has more stuff which I need to pay a visit too...

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