Tamashii has already proven that they'll make anyone people would buy. The only "unrealistic" choices would be a Shenron that's in scale with the figures (he would wrap around my house

) or Hirudegarn, first form Jenemba, and Dr. Weelo all in scale because of their massive size. But anything under 7 inches tall is fair game if Android 16 is any indication.
The point of this poll is to give people a chance to choose what they would purchase regardless of how possible/impossible it would be for that figure to exist. 2 years ago, Broly and 16 would have been in this same category of "wasted vote" because most of us never imagined they would make them (I never saw 16 coming).
The idea of people shifting their vote to accommodate what (they think) is more likely, is exactly what I don't want to happen, as this poll is suppose to measure what they want (no matter what the odds are that they'll ever receive it)
There have already been many polls where safe, easy, and likely choices were available, and people had to strategize over which they think is more likely, but I don't think we need to do that anymore now that Broly and 16 are going to be released, and this poll was intended to function in a way that accommodated that.
Combining the votes for armored Trunks and ascended SSj Trunks would be inappropriate because they are fundamentally different figures, I want the ascended SSj Trunks, but I'm not interested in the basic armored Trunks. Other people don't like the super buff Trunks, and they would rather any version other than that. They can't be combined, and it really shouldn't be looked at like the same thing because they are too different, and peoples comments show that. It's like suggesting that Recoome is stealing votes away from Guldo, making Ginyu look more popular. You can't combine those two because they are different characters. Which (as far as peoples tastes are concerned) is the case for Trunks because the forms are so different. I could understand if I divided purple hair armor, and SSj armor, and ascended SSj. But armored trunks has all the features that blue jacket Trunks has. The buff ascended SSj is the odd ball (unique) character. Much like Frieza's forms, fundamentally different.
edit: I misspelled Android again, maybe I am dyslexic