Super Freak
WOW zelu, already? Nippon Yasan haven't shipped mine yet! 

Hmm, we didn't see Super Sailor Mercury at the new Tamashii Nations event...
I think those were all the pics but alas still no news on a release date [emoji20]
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I got Sailor Pluto today! In general great figure but I'm not a big fan of her hair articulation. They also made it out of hard plastic so it doesn't bend like Mars and Venus making the posing more difficult... :/
Don't be sad prodigyat least we have seen black lady with her complete dress
I was wondering if it would be in the final version of this figure (the pink thing like a ribbon), and it is! Thanks a lot
I just want to see which faces we will have in this figure (mouth must be smaller) and also which accesories come withI'm crossing my fingers for luna p!lol
Surprised they didn't include Luna P with Chibi Moon but perhaps they'll include it with Black Lady. I hope they include her umbrella as well and you should be able to open and close it. That'd be sweet
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Did anyone get Sailor V yet? I have yet to see many pics of her, and I'm waiting to see if Barnes and Nobles will get her. I see they're stocking Fire Mario and the new Mario set though.