He is "the best figher pilot in the galaxy". I remember a certain rebel x wing pilot who was that before him, but hey like the spoiler said they can't be all force sensitive.
I dont know the details, and it might just be rumor, but apparently the reason Kylos saber crystal is unstable is because it was the only one he could find. Red crystals are only found on Korriban, so it would make sense that after the fall of the empire that Luke or the new republic would take control of that planet and destroy them to stop any would-be sith going there to make a saber.
As for his saber being destroyed, people analyzed the final battle and it definitely looks like Rey cuts his saber in two.
Personally I think it's somewhat stupid that people act like there's a way to entirely black and white define what a spoiler is. Overall though, I think it shouldn't matter, if there are (near) effortless ways to not throw sensitive information in other people's faces who don't ask for it, then don't. It's simply either being busy with more than yourself or not. That's not even a judgement on any people (including any here), it's simply what it comes down to. I personally prefer behavior where people put some care into how they converse and where they're doing it. Gasper's point stands that realistically this thread is spoiler-hazardous for anything star wars, but that doesn't mean it HAS to be, it HAPPENS to be, because that's how some go about it. I'd go about it differently. Everybody can make their own choice, my argument is that I'm not gonna run the risk of ruining another's enjoyment when there's an extremely easy way to prevent it. That simple. That said, accidents can happen, especially when people are hyped, I've certainly accidentally spoiled stuff for people. But principally speaking the argument to be courteous at a very little expense of effort is entirely reasonable. I'd say the platform matters, for instance, on twitter, there's just less room to extend that courtesy, because the medium runs on fast, immediate responses. A merchandise thread on a forum that has spoiler tags, does not.
I hope we can have a friendly agree to disagree in that they are my favorites after Jedi Luke's. I love how streamlined and elegant they are, no joke, the three TPM lightsabres (including Maul) are among my top 5 favorite sabers, along with Jedi Luke and now Kylo Ren.
and at first I thought Kylo Ren's lightsaber looked stupid. C'mon, what's the point of having 2 "mini-sabers" on the hilt? But I've realized they work more as exhaust vents because the crystal within is fractured* thus resulting in the chaotic look of the blade, and now I accept it & looks pretty badass
don't wanna see that design become a trend tho, i like it to be unique to Kylo alone
*my theory is that he somehow retrieved it from Vader's old saber & back-engineered it. You may be thinking "but how?" well how the hell did Maz Kaneda manage to acquire Anakin's lightsaber when it plummetted 100 stories down that chasm in ESB? Like she said, "questions for another time"
Entirely agreed, it looks awesome, but I like it because it has a good explanation. I had hoped that it had an over-power function, where the exhausts are redirected into the beam and it becomes more of a broad fire sword. Dunno what people think of that thought? Burning the **** out of finn's shoulder was good enough for me though. I also really liked that, despite it not actually functioning as guards, Kylo wielded it fairly properly, actually mostly dueling with one hand, which is what you're supposed to do with a one handed sword. (Agility>often useless power increase. Especially with a sword that needs little power to cut.)
I also agree I hoped it would remain signature to Kylo and otherwise extinct. I love sabres carrying the identity of the wielder. From the visual guide to TFA I think it's said that it is built by him BUT based on a very old design.
if you've watched the rebels trailer you'll see one of the main characters obtain a cross guard lightsaber that looks like you' typical sleek sabers. it's totaaly not unstable looking like kylo's. the lore may expand upon that in the series
Leading me to rebels. If the exhaust is due to a cracked crystal, then how the **** is the above mentioned explained? I'm unsettled by that. If they **** this sabre's logic up in retrospect imma be pissed off.
I have a feeling Kylo will be given Vaders saber in episode 8 as a mirror of Rey getting Lukes. Makes more sense when you realize that the triblade was destroyed in the fight with Rey, so i dont think we will see it return, but with there being so little of the red crystals left,
I dont know the details, and it might just be rumor, but apparently the reason Kylos saber crystal is unstable is because it was the only one he could find. Red crystals are only found on Korriban, so it would make sense that after the fall of the empire that Luke or the new republic would take control of that planet and destroy them to stop any would-be sith going there to make a saber.
As for his saber being destroyed, people analyzed the final battle and it definitely looks like Rey cuts his saber in two.
I thought that got destroyed falling into the same pit Palpatine goes in when Luke hacks vader's hand off, and splices the railing next to the vent. And then the death star blows up. Both from logic, but also my preference, Vader's saber should be gone imo. Destroying a users lightsaber feels like the strongest symbolism of destroying the identity it stands for. On that note, is Kylo's sabre really gone!? I don't want that.
I'm entirely convinced they'll find new red crystals...
You don't have to, as far as I know it's exactly the final trial of a jedi to build one intuitively entirely guided by the force. That said, it is confirmed, I think, in that visual guide iirc, that Kylo has a schematic for its ancient design.
On that note I suggest looking at screenrants theory on who Snoke could be. Tbh imo it's ****ing amazing, and the amount of arguments for it are quite baffeling. It would add a tremendously awesome social dynamic between Kylo and Snoke and already explain much more why Snoke could corrupt him in combination with Kylo's loyalty to Vader.
If you simply wanna know the idea click this:
Snoke is Tarkin. Yes you read that right. Anakin's old friend managed to survive the death star explosion, but at obviously a tremendous physical cost. Snoke actually looks bafflingly much like Tarkin facially. The more important arguments come from a mysterious person hinted at in new canon comics I believe called 'the operator'. As I said, it'd be tremendous if Kylo is corrupted by someone who actually knew Vader AS quite well Vader. Especially considering (CW SPOILER Tarkin and Anakin already form a bond in the canon clone wars.
I dont know the details, and it might just be rumor, but apparently the reason Kylos saber crystal is unstable is because it was the only one he could find. Red crystals are only found on Korriban, so it would make sense that after the fall of the empire that Luke or the new republic would take control of that planet and destroy them to stop any would-be sith going there to make a saber.
As for his saber being destroyed, people analyzed the final battle and it definitely looks like Rey cuts his saber in two.
Yep, just saw it for my third time, its a blink and you miss detail. Personally I want them to keep the crossguard design (its mentioned all over the new media, that it is an ancient, more powerful design) so with a good crystal it could be refined and more pretty looking
Plus rey will have to build a new sabre anyways, so we dont need to crutch on vaders
And lastly, obiwan saber design is also my favorite, blasphemy if you think otherwise
The final trial? Huh? How come all low level padawans know perfectly well how to build and repair their own lightsabers, way before they are ordained as knights?
Where did you get that "final trial" stuff from?
I know Kylo built his however he could, but the fact that no one, not even Snoke told him how to properly build one makes me think he's not a Sith, and it most likely has more to do with the crystal rather than the design of the lightsaber itself, a poorly made red crystal, which is artificial as opposed to natural crystals the Jedi use, can cause the blade to be unstable and dangerous, this has been seen in many occasions throughout novels and comics.
And any properly trained Sith knows how to make a proper crystal.
@Lipsmack : Also I don't understand what the function of the exhausts is other than UTILIZING a cracked lightsabre crystal. If you put a non cracked on in there, the exhausts should be redundant and off, like with every other lightsabre. I thought the idea of the cracked crystal is that it actually has benefits, not just downsides (including the exhausts being themselves weaponry). Also, if it IS ancient, possibly, in those times they weren't able to refine crystals purely enough to make the exhausts obselete. But that goes against what Rebels is implying.
@Gasper well first of all RotJ: Vader lits Luke's saber "I see you constructed a new lightsaber, your skills are now complete. Indeed you are powerful." Younglings and perhaps all padawans included, I thought, receive a lightsaber, but every jedi knight traditionally builds his own eventually on their own skill, which was at least in part a force skill. Secondly, how does Luke build his? I've never heard any other explanation than being guided by the force. Thirdly, it's an explicit part in Bioware's games. But of course those are not canon. And fourth: it's a rite in Rebels as well, where Ezra creates his own sabre when truly becoming an apprentice.
Atm I can't think of other sources that led me to this belief, but force usage in building a sabre was to my belief always an aspect of completion as a Jedi that can operate on his/her own (perhaps regardless of whether still being a padawan or not). If they nevertheless still also need a schematic I do not know.
I always liked the idea of the lightsabre being metaphysically linked to force usage. It shows an innate bond between force using and the weapons force users wield. It also feels like it is in line with the spirituality of martial arts, which was obviously a massive influence for Lucas.
^ it is the last test of becoming a jedi, Rotj deleted scene showed luke use the force to build it, and I think it can only be done perfectly by using the force, thats why only jedi/sith/whatever can use them
Yeah exactly, I forgot about the deleted scene. But what I like is that it also IMPLIES that for a force user a lightsabre is in fact the attuned utility. I think I also heard about lightsabres being invented innitially and progress, all through force guided knowledge, but that could just be from Bioware's games, dunno. Anyway, as said Lucas was inspired among many things by samurai and force-building seems an extension of expressing the spiritual bond between a samurai and his sword, yet the warrior, in star wars case LITERALLY, making the sword, not the other way around.
The lightsaber being tied to the force has been inconsistent. Supposedly only force users should be able to turn them on, but there are multiple instances of non-force users turning them on.
But padawans do design and build their own lightsabers, they are not given as far as I know. I always thought it was part of their integral education, not everything is force this and that, they do have education and specialties.
All of this has been explained in books that I no longer know if they're canon though
^ it is the last test of becoming a jedi, Rotj deleted scene showed luke use the force to build it, and I think it can only be done perfectly by using the force, thats why only jedi/sith/whatever can use them
it's funny how Disney decided to cut nearly all of the EU material out of canonicity, considering that no matter what new ideas they come up with, it will most likely have been inspired from an EU idea first (such as Han & Leia's kid turning to the darkside.. that's nothing new. LOL). I understand their reasoning, but it doesn't really matter, because the only canon that truly matters is the canon in your mind. to some people Darth Maul died in Episode I, others believe Boba Fett escaped the Sarlaac Pit, who am I to tell them otherwise? Believe whatever ya want, life is short lol
@Silrian interesting about the Tarkin/Snoke connection. However I thought it was confirmed that Snoke is very, VERY old. They said that he was around to see the fall of the Republic, the rise of the Empire, etc.
Uh, Crisis, he WAS around to see that. He befriends Anakin in clone wars as they agree on more ruthless war tactics. Hes already high ranking there.( Guess my spoiler tag is now redundant. ) If the theory turns out to be true (and again lookp up the screenrant article, theres an amazing bunh of clues to it.) Snoke would be at least a 100. May not be very old for sw chars though. But especially snokes ialogue in the novel fits the old geezer so well. "Vader had one error of judgement in an otherwise exemplary life." It would actually also make sense that han speaks of snoke as though he knows him. Psychologically knows him.
@Gasper 7 films + cw nd rebels are canon. That simple. What crisis said though, any eu material is explicitely open to be reincluded as canon in any way. Kylo is indeed an obvious example.
Weakling is actually a serial troll from the ThreeA forums, Kidrobot forums and, of course, 4chan /toy/ known as 'VinceJustVince' or 'Keyboard Peon'. He doesn't actually collect toys, as far as anyone can work out the only figure he owns is a Figma Drossel.
I lurk 4chan's /toy/ board because unpleasant as it can be (it used to be pretty civil years ago, how times change), there are still a few quality posters who seem to be the fastest to break toy and collectible news, especially from Japan.
This person has a long history of trolling and crapflooding /toy/, here's a few examples I dug up with text searches on a third-party archive site:
Please note: I've spoilered the links as obviously coming from 4chan some of the replies to his posts have been somewhat **** or just generally unpleasant in tone and content - which mostly stems from the entire board hating the sight of him.
I'm sure if my brain could stand more than 30 minutes of looking at this drivel I could find even more examples in the archive of posts that correspond exactly to what he's said here in this thread, but hopefully that will be more than enough to prove my point.
Sorry to everyone here who took him seriously and replied to him, I would recommend adding him to your ignore list immediately. To any passing mods reading this: I don't envy you, if he gives you good reason to ban his current account he'll be back within the day with a different IP and email address.
^ it is the last test of becoming a jedi, Rotj deleted scene showed luke use the force to build it, and I think it can only be done perfectly by using the force, thats why only jedi/sith/whatever can use them
@Gasper 7 films + cw nd rebels are canon. That simple. What crisis said though, any eu material is explicitely open to be reincluded as canon in any way. Kylo is indeed an obvious example.
Got all my Figures set up no pictures yet!
I have 20 Figuarts Star Wars now.
6 First Order Troopers, 7 Clones, 2 Droids, 2 OG Storm Troopers, Maul, Vader, Kylo Ren
2 packages of GTP Space Walls Preordered, 2 Phasmas, Luke, Obi Wan, Scout Speeder Bike, Mace Windu, and 4 Baton Troops(Tr8r)
Got all my Figures set up no pictures yet!
I have 20 Figuarts Star Wars now.
6 First Order Troopers, 7 Clones, 2 Droids, 2 OG Storm Troopers, Maul, Vader, Kylo Ren
2 packages of GTP Space Walls Preordered, 2 Phasmas, Luke, Obi Wan, Scout Speeder Bike, Mace Windu, and 4 Baton Troops(Tr8r)
Got all my Figures set up no pictures yet!
I have 20 Figuarts Star Wars now.
6 First Order Troopers, 7 Clones, 2 Droids, 2 OG Storm Troopers, Maul, Vader, Kylo Ren
2 packages of GTP Space Walls Preordered, 2 Phasmas, Luke, Obi Wan, Scout Speeder Bike, Mace Windu, and 4 Baton Troops(Tr8r)
Got all my Figures set up no pictures yet!
I have 20 Figuarts Star Wars now.
6 First Order Troopers, 7 Clones, 2 Droids, 2 OG Storm Troopers, Maul, Vader, Kylo Ren
2 packages of GTP Space Walls Preordered, 2 Phasmas, Luke, Obi Wan, Scout Speeder Bike, Mace Windu, and 4 Baton Troops(Tr8r)
^ it is the last test of becoming a jedi, Rotj deleted scene showed luke use the force to build it, and I think it can only be done perfectly by using the force, thats why only jedi/sith/whatever can use them
That's cool, I need to see that!
Your point is further evidenced by Vader's comments about Luke constructing a new lightsaber, observing "your training is now complete". So yeah, I think it's pretty certain that being able to construct your own lightsaber, regardless of your allegiance to dark/light, is widely seen as a must have skill to being a force user.
Has anyone actually gor a Scout and Scout Bike figure set yet? I'm regretting cancelling mine - I think I might have to pony up the aftersale prices