Wow, fantastic pictures King. Can't wait to get him. I love the kinda graphic look these figures have.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. This one was one of my most anticipated.
Bruh, you didn't even give him the Black Series Kylo's cloth robes? Fail...
Using the Black Series robe made from basketball shorts would be "fail". The sculpted robes are awesome.
Has anyone any experience buying Star Wars SHFs via eBay? Any recommended sellers?
...In your opinion guys, need to remember that statement. The molded robes hinder his movement massively, and to alot of folks (including me) cloth looks far better in general.
Using the Black Series robe made from basketball shorts would be "fail". The sculpted robes are awesome.
Can anyone provide me with pictures of SHF Vader positioned next to other figures in the line (Kylo, ROTJ Luke, Maul, etc.)? Also, regarding Vader's cape, is it a harder plastic than the material they used for, say, Kylo's attire? Is it equally pliable?