Big Deano
Super Freak
Oh yeah, would definitely recommend all his stuff except the phasma cape, he is clearly trying to cash-grab with that.
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Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Thanks for the heads up! My mobile only has Uk and for some reason ebay Uk doesnt show items from his store. Had to watch it on the .com site and buy from my watch list. Strange.
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Oh yeah, would definitely recommend all his stuff except the phasma cape, he is clearly trying to cash-grab with that.
Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
Oh, that rickhor409 guy also makes the gray tunic for Luke? I am waiting for my dark brown cloak to arrive and will now have to keep an eye out for his tunic!
Yup, I only got the grey one because at the time he wasn't offering the darker one. same with the Cloak, he didn't have the brown cloak at the time. When I contacted him, he said he had to wait until he got the materials for the darker tunic. I like the grey comes in three parts which works well IMO
If anyone can get both..get both, they are so well made and cheap. Both Tunic and cloak cost me under $20 usd shipping included
Outstanding! Love the soft goods from this guy....a great figure made even better. Unfortunately his page is empty at the moment....
Its not empty...
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were can i buy one of these ?
It's weird when did Rey ever have a cloak in the film
Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and More | eBay Type in Rickhkor409
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So seems that from the UK it doesn't work even on the .com site! I've even subscribed to him but to no avail! Only tried through my phone though...but should work....
So seems that from the UK it doesn't work even on the .com site! I've even subscribed to him but to no avail! Only tried through my phone though...but should work....
So seems that from the UK it doesn't work even on the .com site! I've even subscribed to him but to no avail! Only tried through my phone though...but should work....