Remove the neck peg, separate it into two(it's two parts) put just one part back in. Put the Stormtrooper neck peg on the side of the half peg of Luke's.
Thanks for the response, though I'm a bit confused by it. How do I remove the neck peg on the Stormtrooper figure? Does it just pop off if I pull on it or would I have to cut it off of the figure? And separating the two parts of the trooper's neck peg can be accomplished just by pulling it off and not having to cut it? Also, what do you mean by putting the Stormtrooper's neck peg "on the side of the half peg of Luke's?" Do you mean that part of the Stormtrooper peg would be inside Luke's head and I wouldn't be changing or removing the peg in Luke's head at all?
Sorry for all the questions, but this would be my first ever customization of a figure and I would hate to buy a Stormtrooper if this change wouldn't be something I could easily pull off.
How does the Black series General Hux's trench coat look on S.h. Figurarts Luke? The reason for this question is because of this picture
Just picked up a second OT Stormtrooper. OCD demanded I obey the Rule of Two...
I'm sure accuracy purists and articulation junkies will want me burned at the stake for this, but it's become my favourite figure of the line so far. I fully acknowledge it's inaccurate, has some bad articulation choices and that more recent figures take the crown for objective bests in the line, but there's just something about this figure I really enjoy. Maybe because I always wanted a shinier, bigger, better-articulated Stormtrooper than what Kenner were offering back when I was 5, maybe because it reminds me of the old Marvel comic art. Who knows? No accounting for taste, I guess.
Is anyone else as surprised as I am that Tamashii didn't retool this into a Sandtrooper and Spacetrooper yet?
Do you mind sharing where you got these from and how much you spent? I'm on the hunt for one but am trying to spend less than $100 on it!
A friend in Japan, $55 each.
I have a friend travelling to Tokyo next month. Do you know what store your friend purchased these from? /Do you know if they are still commonly available for ~50 in Japan? I appreciate your help.
Just received my first one (paid 79 shipped) and really want at least one more. The lines and finish on these are really amazing. In hand I'm not bothered at all by the helmet stylization, but it would be great if they make helmet/height varieties in the future.