I finally got my Han in a couple days ago. The head sculpt isn't too bad, it looks very much like Ford just that there appears to be a little too much asymmetry with the sculpt on the left side of the face. Ford's face does have a bit of asymmetry but this is a tad too much. It wouldn't be so bad if the paint was painted on it bit better, and that's the real issue, the registry for the paint is a little off to the left side of his face which exaggerates the sculpt's asymmetry even more.
If the lighting is just right, it's less noticeable. Other than that and the blue hue of his irises/pupils, the rest of the figure is fantastic albeit a little light on accessories.
I've got to say for my first human (i.e. not armored) SH Figurats figure, for the price I feel a bit disappointed. The head sculpt and paint should've been better.