I?ve got to say that in my opinion, Yoda is the best figure in this line to date. Great accessories and solid articulation for the size.
Mine arrived and I think I agree. Stunning little figure! Him, Mace and Ep3Anakin are my top three.
I?ve got to say that in my opinion, Yoda is the best figure in this line to date. Great accessories and solid articulation for the size.
Mine arrived and I think I agree. Stunning little figure! Him, Mace and Ep3Anakin are my top three.
I absolutely LOVE this idea.
I also hope the heads are compatible.
Any ideas on the best/cheapest way to get my hands on a 1/12 green saber for him? Black series, bootleg, I don't care....he needs the green saber, not one that was lost forever on Bespin. Ebay turned up nothing....and I sure don't wanna buy a whole figure for a tiny saber.
(I have an extra Black series Farmboy Luke saber if someone wants to trade for some reason!)
I'd really appreciate any leads! Thanks!
The bootleg Figuarts ROTJ Luke saber is ok but it?s not 100% reproduced the emitter goes to far in and the handle sometimes splits and breaks. I think if you want it to look right you should just buy an official Luke.