OK....first up is Crait Luke with his stock lighstaber on his hip. I personally won't ever use this saber cause it was lost on Bespin, not just sitting in a chest in a basement on some planet somewhere.
Here he is wielding the ROTJ figure from the SHF Jedi Luke. It won't fit on his belt without a mod cause it has a peghole and he has a tiny hook. Fits in his hands just fine, but swapping out the left hand for the gripping left hand is a real *****.
Here he is holding the original Black Series ROTJ saber. I don't love the saber cause the blade is a little yellow, and the hilt is rubbery, but he can hold it fine and it has a loop that can go on his belt, so for now, that's gonna be his default saber. I'll justify it in my mind by thinking "hey, it's been 30 years, of course it's not gonna be as 'shiny' as when it was brand new."
This pic has the windswept hair piece too.
Here he is next to Fisherman Luke. They share a lot of tooling...the legs seem identical. The right hand is the same, just colored differently, and you can tell the Crait version was built on the same "buck"...but there are lots of differences so it doesn't at all feel like a mere repaint. Besides, the actual costumes shared some parts so it's OK with me.
Heads swap easily if you're so inclined.
Here are the four SHF Lukes together. That's not a KO Jedi Luke; I just painted the belt buckle cause I thought the flat black was too plain.
And here's a shot of the three Old Man Luke figures so far available.....