Anakin just ended on Ebay for $160. So glad I got it before it sold out for $85
ya know. .. I thought about getting one or two of the bootleg Body Jun flesh colored figures just for the hands.
Anyone know where I can get a Padme?
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It's a cast of the black series one I got today. Sorry, wasn't trying to make it look like I sculpted it, was just trying to show off how it looks on the shf bod. It's a tad big but you gotta work with the angles.Love it Paintpot! Is that sculpt available or order?
Love it Paintpot! Is that sculpt available or order?
I didn't know there was one, I think mine is just a regular black series. It came from China on eBay, but sometimes they also get speciality casts like enlarged 3.75" clone helmets to fit black series, so it could be the shrunk oneits available on Castingcave and its been shrunk down slightly to work with figuarts
I didn't know there was one, I think mine is just a regular black series. It came from China on eBay, but sometimes they also get speciality casts like enlarged 3.75" clone helmets to fit black series, so it could be the shrunk one